𝑓 𝑜 𝑟 𝑡 𝑦 𝑓 𝑖 𝑣 𝑒

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Chapter forty five

Cassandra's pov
September 8th 2021

"You gotta take this long in the bathroom?!" Henry bangs on the door hard as fuck when I don't answer. "Cassie!"

"Use the bathroom in the basement! I'm not done yet!" I yell at him and I hear him huff loudly.

"It's scary as hell down there!"

"I don't know what to tell you." I shrug, and resume applying my lipgloss carefully in the mirror.

Today the first day of my senior year and I always make sure to pop out for the first day. I'm wearing my natural hair but I still ended up braiding it, the braids going down to my shoulder. It used to be longer but Julia had a 'fun' idea to cut it. Honestly it was pretty fun. I wasn't mad. It's just hair.

Anyway, it's been almost a week since I've left Cailfornia and almost a week since I've seen my girlfriend. I smile at the thought of Hailey being my girlfriend. Even though I just seen her last Sunday, I really miss her.
We talked all night last but I ended up hanging up cause I had school in the morning. Hailey sent me a playlist she made on Spotify of all her favorite songs and told me to play it whenever. The playlist was currently being blasted on Henry's lil speaker he let me borrow, while I get dressed in the bathroom.

I move my lips together, letting the gloss work it's magic, and look myself over in the mirror for a little while.

But then it's a huge ass bang on the door and I let out a mixture of a groan and a scream of irritation. "What the fuck, Henry?!" I ask, when I whip open the door and he's standing on the other side with a small smirk.

"I have to pee." He replies calmly.

"The bathroom downstairs..."

"...Is scary." He finishes and I roll my eyes.

"What you even wearing?" He looks over, with his nose all scrunched up.

"I look good." I say, walking past him and going into my room to look at myself in my full body mirror. When I see myself I smile.

Yeah, I most definitely snapped.

"Just because you a senior now doesn't mean you all grown." Henry says, snapping me out of trance of self admiration and I sigh fixing my belt.

"I didn't say I was."

"Then why you wearing that outfit?" He asks.

"It's not that serious."

"I guess..." He shrugs, with an uneasy look.

He doesn't say it but I can tell he very unsettled with how fast I'm growing up.

Every since we was little, and Mama and Dad would be fighting he would always take care of me, and make sure I was okay. He still had his moments but he was real good older brother. And he still is. But I'm growing up and that's just something he need to get through his peanut ass head.

"When you get into this music?" He ask as some song by Wu Tang Clan goes off and 'I'm Down' by Aaliyah comes on.

I do like R&B but I'm more into that delusional, toxic relationship side of R&B.

"This Hailey playlist... you don't like it?" I ask.

"I ain't deem her for an Aaliyah listener. She got a lotta 90's R&B in there. I mess with it." He nods and I mumble something in agreement. He ends up leaving to go to the bathroom and I finish getting ready, cleaning my room in the process. The music playing on the speaker being the only sound around me. Usually it would be of my Mama and Dad arguing but neither of them here.

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