𝒆 𝒊 𝒈 𝒉 𝒕 𝒆 𝒆 𝒏

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chapter eighteen

Cassandra pov

"You're insane, Hailey! Get down!" Chris yelled.

"Your insane! Get up!" Hailey laughed swinging on top of the street lamp. Ok, so apparently climbing that big ass, dangerous ass, steep ass cliff wasn't enough for her, so she had to climb this tall ass street lamp too. I was honestly scared, what if she fell? Also she wasn't even drunk, she was on some sober shit and it was terrifying. She didn't need alcohol to dumb stuff and that was scary.

"Hailey, deadass bro. If you don't get down I'm calling mama." Eric said loudly and when we all looked up to see Hailey and she looked back down with a bored expression basically telling all of us she didn't care. "Okay, not just mama but Dad too." He added with a sigh.

"Ight, fine." She replied and braced herself to jump.

This girl was actually about to jump.

"Are you dumb?" Jalen asked her. I ain't gonna lie even though I'm a lesbian, Jalen fine. That New York accent is too.

"Maybe so," Hailey replied. "I'm not gonna fall." She screamed loudly with a laugh trying to imitate that boy from 'What's Eating, Gilbert Grape?' Coincidentally her red jordan fell to the ground and landed with a soft thud. "Shit, that took a minute to fall didn't it?"

"I'm sick of your shit, Jiyu. Get down." Eric demanded loudly.

"Jiyu?" Christiana asked.

"That's her middle name." Daniel mumbled and Christiana nodded in understanding.

"Fine, fine, fine. You guys are such punks. You know that right? Nobody does the shit i'm able to do because you aren't me, I'm awesome, you dick heads..." Hailey ranted. It went on for quite a minute as she climbed down the pole and we were stuck listening to her.

Eventually she did get down though. Now me, herself, and Rosie was sitting on a hill. Me and Rosie was drinking and Hailey was just drinking some type of slushee in a tall white foam cup.

I know what your thinking...

Her ass drinking lean and that's why she just climbed that big ass pole, but no.

I tasted some of it and it was a ice cup.

No lean.

Hailey didn't drink.

Or partake in smoking or drinking.

You would assume though, right?

I most definitely did.

According to all her friends she hated anything that had to do with that.

"How come you don't drink, Hailey?" I asked curiously not even thinking before I talked.

Hailey looked over at me sitting down her cup on the ground. "Can't." She replied softly and she went to stare in space. Rosie gave me a look signaling me to stop talking about that and I nodded quickly telling her I understood.

I wonder what's up with that.

Something most definitely happened.

I've knew Hailey for like four months and even when I feel like I know a lot about her, I really don't.

"It's whatever though." Hailey stood up and start walking down the hill towards the party.

"Where you going?" Rosie called out.

"Derrick bought bananas. I want one." She replied loudly over the music and disappeared into the big crowd of people.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked after some had passed.

𝐈'𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐭 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐞Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt