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chapter twelve

Cassandra pov

I wiped down the counter covered in crumbs from Lamont's sandwich he ate for lunch. Lamont was a sloppy ass eater but he was still cool though, he knew how to hold a real good conversation, and he liked boys. So even though his nasty ass didn't know how to clean behind himself I'm gonna wipe it down and let it slide this one little time.

The counter was actually clean by now but it was a slow day today and I like ten more minutes till I switch shifts with this girl named, Taylor, so I was doing whatever just to let time pass by.

Chris, Christiana, these boys and one girl named Abel, Jimmy, and Lindsay were talking amongst them self. Jimmy and Abel were occasionally wrestling with each other like they didn't have sense god gave an ant. I sighed as Abel fell to the floor with a loud laugh after Jimmy pushed him. "Quit it. Y'all acting weird as hell. What y'all can do is grab a broom and sweep this floor."

"The floor not even dirty." Abel scoffed rolling around on it and I shook my head. My grandma shake her head a lot, because at times that's all you can do. Just shake yo damn head.

"Ew. Get off the floor. You know how many people walk on that?" Christiana asked grabbing his arm and trying to pull him up so he could stand on his feet.

"No. How many?" He asked dumbly and Christiana sighed dropping his arm and he fell back to the floor with a thud.

I chuckled pulling my phone out my pocket and swiping threw Instagram. I only had like six hundred followers, and posted about seventy five times. I used to post a lot when I was in freshman year, I was a straight up social media addict, but I'm better now. I don't depend on it so much how I used to. I followed a few cooking pages, celebrities, and people from school. I liked a few pictures I saw while strolling, I didn't even notice when some people entered until my co-workers made a big deal out of it. I ignored them until Christiana slapped me with the damp rag on my ass. I raised an eyebrow at her. "What you do that for?" I asked and she pointed to the front entrance. "We got customers." She said and I looked up at the entrance and there was this mini crowd of people, deep as hell.

"Girl in the back. Bad as fuck." Abel muttered and everyone nearly broke their necks to see if she was just as fine as he said and I rolled my eyes.


"Y'all gonna look that obvious?" I asked and they ignored me.

"She got big gay energy." Jimmy mumbled.

"Can't you get cancelled for assuming a person's sexuality these days?" Chris asked scratching the back of his neck.

"She's literally wearing a nail clipper as a chain pendant." Christiana told him.

"Maybe she just doesn't like having long nails." He shrugged.

"Or she doesn't like to scratch the cat." Lindsay muttered.

"Y'all so focused on her looks but her shoe game go crazy. Those shoes just came out, it probably would take some months to save up for em." Abel said a bit too loudly which made me think they heard it but they were loud and talking with themselves so I don't think they did. But they did start walking over here and that's when I got a look at her.


Shit, it's her.

It's Hailey.

Why is she here?

Does she know I work here?

Does she even remember me?

It hasn't been that long, right?

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