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Cassandra's Pov
- (March 20th 2022) -

The next couple of days go by perfectly. Only a couple days after those days, is when I realize just how perfect everything was going and how perfect Hailey was doing. Not saying that it's weird when she acts like a certain type of way a certain type of person would act, just that there's a certain way she acts. Let me correct myself; there are certain types of ways that she acts. Certain types of way in which she presents herself. I can't lie and say that in a certain early point on in our relationship, I didn't find enjoyment in waking up one day and getting a variation of Hailey. Let me explain, 'cause it sounds a way I'm not really intending it to sound like.

One day I could wake up and Hailey would be especially excited. I liked that 'cause she'd have an interest in everything and point out everything. She'd comment on how 'blue' the air was. How it wasn't a bad thing 'cause usually the air was sad and grey and irritated but today it was blue 'cause the night before, it rained - so now it's humid. And you know, that really didn't make any sense to me but I find myself really liking when she goes like that. It makes me see things differently from awhile. I admit it can get quite annoying but that's normal, I think.

"Cassandra, the best album of all time is Pocketknife by Mr Little Jeans, and I have no problem with listing off why." I remember Hailey announced as she stepped into my room using the window as an entrance, not managing to avoid the broken glass causing her to get quite a few cuts on her clothes.

"Ah, shit" She winced and that's when I had finally turned around and immediately spotted the cut along her face, inches away from her eye. "This kinda hurts"

I tsked, shook my head as I helped her in. "I told you not to come through here anymore. That cut so close to your eye" I bring her face closer so I can inspect the wound. "What if the glass got your eye? Then what?"

She was silent for awhile. "Glass.. glass rhymes with bass and bass is kinda like a bass? Bass guitar.. That dude from Matrix plays Bass Guitar, bae. He's kinda hot.." She looked up at me with a smiling playing on her face, then her face went confused. "Do sharks yawn?"

I remember raising my eyebrows 'cause how did she go from glass, and bass, and bass guitars, and how hot keanu reeves is, then finally the thought of sharks yawning. "Why would you even ask that-" I tried to question but she pushed past me and pulled out her phone, opening the Safari app.

"Do.. Sharks.. yawn?" Hailey slowly asked out loud as her fingers guided along the keyboard and typed it into the search engine.

And all I could do was stand there, before moving the blanket back over the window to stop the cold air from coming in.

I don't know if Hailey ever got an answer to that question 'cause suddenly she was in the mood for Thai food with pound cake as a dessert, and on our way to the Thai food place, Hailey pulled over 'cause there was a pond on the side of the road and she wondered if there were coins in there.

"But Hailey," I tried to explain as Hailey opened the car door and exited the car with a smile, slamming it behind herself. Excitedly, discarding her shoes to the side as she made her way towards the pond. "Hailey, people don't throw coins in ponds, they throw 'em in fountains!" I called after her, as I hurriedly unfastened my seatbelt, and got out the car.

And as soon as I was out of the car, there was a big splash and Hailey was underwater. And at that time I wasn't aware she could swim, and I wasn't aware how long she could hold her breath either. "Hailey?" I asked softly and was met with no response.

The forty five seconds she was under felt like minutes and when I had finally kneeled down to see how just cold the water was, I immediately had to pull my hand back out 'cause it was freezing. "H-hailey?" Silence. "Hail, you should get out now! This really isn't funny,"

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