Chapter 17: The Past

Start from the beginning

So I continued, "Chris was my rock through everything though even though he wasn't there for the beginning he was there when I need him and still is. Yes I know he did what he did and it breaks my heart it really does but he was the one who repair it, those boys back at the house I would kill for them and I know they'd do the same for me surround yourself with good people and your daughter" I said placing my hand on hers, she started to cry and I got up moving to her booth. I held her as she cried and rubbed her back, I soothed her and she just cried.

I didn't judge her because sometimes that's what you need, I spent half my life never showing fear and bottling my emotions until one day it just came all at one and I cried.

I pulled away and looked at her, "Listen to me ok... no matter what happened in your past it doesn't define you as the person you are today" I said wiping her tears and smiled at her she nodded and I got up moving to the other booth.

I go a little teary eyed and grabbed some napkins I handed her some and she thanked me and I dabbed my eyes.

"Whew girl I didn't expect this today I was ready" I said and she laughed wiping her eyes.

The waiter came with our food and we prayed and begin to eat.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your story" I said and she swallowed her food.

"I guess I owe you that since I did just cry in your shoulder" she said and we laughed.

She looked down and I placed my hand on hers, "Look ill make you a deal, you tell me your and I'll tell you mine but I might need something a little strong then this"
I said holding up my water and she laughed wiping a tear

"Same here, same here" she said and shook her head.

"Ok.... Here it goes" she said and took a deep breath.


I walked downstairs and everyone was down there fully dress, except Georgia and Alecie.

"Where they at?" I asked sitting down.

"They went to drop Tristan off at school and then they go something to eat" Marie said texting on her phone.

"Sir Langston a Tasha is here to see you" Bennett said and stepped aside showing Tasha and Jasmine .

I groaned, its to early in the morning for this shit.

"What Tasha?" I said and she held out a piece of paper.

"We have a doctors appointment today so you can see that this is your daughter and we can be a family" she said and I looked at the girl.

She looked a mess, her hair was all over her head and she had the same clothes she had on the other day, while Tasha looked like she just bought some new clothes off the rack.

"Um excuse me, Tasha is it hey my name is Marie" Marie said and Tasha looked her up and down.

"Oh no she didn't just size me up" Marie said and Mo stood up, "Hey bitch remember me I just wanted to know why the fuck your baby look like she ain't bathe in months!" She yelled at Tasha.

"Bitch this belong to me don't talk to me about what belongs to me" she said and pointed her finger in Mo face.

Mo grabbed it and snatch Tasha up, I grabbed Jasmine and handed her to Chris even though she wasn't mine she didn't need to saw this. Chris took her I'm another room while Marie had Tasha pinned against the wall.

"Bitch don't you ever in your life put your hands in my face, you don't know me and i damn sure don't want to know you but that little girl in there stank and her hair looks like shit! I don't play about children I will fucking rip that already fucked up face of yours" Mo said and I stepped in breaking them apart.

"Look Tasha when is this fucking appointment I'll be there but Jasmine is staying here and we're going to take care of her because obviously you can't and you better be glad I'm not calling child services on your ass now get out of my presence" I said and stepped back away from her.

She straightens her clothes up and picks the paper up throwing it at me, "4 o'clock I'll be there waiting" she said and just like that she smiled and waved.

"See you later guys" she said and walked out.

I placed my hands on my head, "️FUCK!" I yelled and punched the wall.

I walked in the living room and Chris was playing with Jasmine.

I got down I her level and she looked at me, "Come on kid let's get you cleaned up ok" I said and she nodded.

I stood up and she reached for me, I picked her up and carried her upstairs.

I placed her down and ran her a bath, after stripping her and waiting for the water to get a good temperature I placed her inside.

"We gotta help her Langston" Mo said from the door.

I looked at her then back at Jasmine, I nodded.

"I know Mo, I know" I said, remember what I said earlier guess im going to have to go against my word.


We walked out the restaurant it felt good to talk to someone who understood what i went through and to see how strong Alecie is even now makes me want to do that too, be strong.

We got inside and headed back to the house, once we got there she stopped the car and we walked inside.

We walked in the living room laughing at what Alecie said and saw everyone in there.

Jasmine was sitting in the middle of the room with Marie, doing her hair.

"Hey Jasmine remember me" Alecie said and Jasmine reached for her.

Alecie picked her up and smiled, "Hey baby, hey" she said tickling her.

I went and sat beside Langston who was silent the whole time.

"So she's yours Huh?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I don't know ill find out today but I'm 99.9 precent sure she ain't" he said and i shrugged.

"There is that 1% play boy" I said and he groaned.

"I know but you know what keeps playing in my head what Alecie said, Tasha brought her over here in the same clothes she had on the other day. No bath hair undone and Tasha looked like she pulled an outfit out a magazine. The fact that she is about to be two and she can't even form words it's a miracle she can walk" he ranted and I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, whatever happens you need to do what's best for that child yours or not understand" I said and he nodded.

"Yeah I know, I've never had to do anything like this what if she is mine I don't know anything about taking care of a child." he said liking at Marie and Alecie play with her

"You'll learn..." I looked at him, "Trust me." I said and he nodded.

"I need to think" he said standing up, "can you come with me" he said and I nodded getting up too.

"Sure..." I said and we walked out the back door

Update 😄

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Picture of Alecie in multimedia (played by the lovely Dasha follow her on tumblr Hypocriteofwords) that's BAE yall 😍😍😍

Enjoy the song and the chapter

- Bubbles 😍😘❤️

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