"I can't." Jeongguk says, closing his eyes, "I shouldn't. Would affect not only our family's relationships with each other but the companies would face a huge backlash. To an extent, we would have to beg for mergers."

"Then open your heart to her, since you can't afford a divorce." Yoongi scoots closer to Jeongguk, placing a hand on the younger's shin. "Do you plan to spend the rest of your life breathing down each other's throats?"

Jeongguk sighs. He doesn't say anything, thinking he would escape wherever this conversation could lead to. But maybe he forgets that it's Yoongi, and silence is more than just an answer to him.

"Do you still think about—"

"I don't. I don't." Jeongguk interjects, voice loud that it startles Yoongi. "I am not a child. I can separate my personal and business life, hyung. Minhee is business, not personal."

"Keep deluding yourself by thinking that," Yoongi says, sliding back to rest his body on the couch. "Can't you just live a little?"

"What do you mean? Do you want me to get more tattoos? Parties—" Jeongguk says, pointing towards his right hand.

"No like get laid—"

"Hyung!" Jeongguk whines, throwing a pillow towards Yoongi who dodges it.

"Hyung and I are worried that this isn't a flaw in your personality and something that can be fixed with some good fuck."


"Yeah ew.. Don't come to me when you're dick's gonna fall off or something." Yoongi stands up, rolling his eyes.

"Why would I come to you if that's indeed possible?" Jeongguk laughs when Yoongi glares at him. The older one sighs, "Anyway, think about what I said."

"Won't be necessary hyung."

"Think about it! And fucking talk to her instead of dropping bombs, poor girl can't even breathe for a second nowadays." Yoongi punches Jeongguk's chest, eyes squinting.

"I love it when you try to hit me, hyung. It feels like a prick— Ouch!" Jeongguk squeaks when Yoongi pinches his cheek. Yoongi grins, then lets go of him walk towards the door.

"Discuss what? She never agrees, tries to get herself drowned in more scandals—"

"You haven't even tried, have you?" Yoongi interrupts, sighing. "You think you know her so well to make decisions for her?"

Jeongguk widens his eyes, shaking his head, "That's not what I meant— Hyung— try talking to her once and you'll find out she pretends to act indifferent too. None of us really wanted this union, it's just the circumstances—"

"Don't blame the circumstances, Jeongguk." Yoongi passes a hand over his face. "You had a choice. You always have a choice."

"But hyung—" But Yoongi is already walking away while saying,

"And if your choices were each other, then you both fucking own up to it instead of running away."


Jeongguk had seen Minhee as someone untouchable, unapproachable when he used to visit the Yoon mansion with his father. His father had been Mr Yoon's right hand for a few years before he fainted due to over-exhaustion and got bed ridden.

Jeongguk was eleven at that time. His mother was forced to leave her job and take care of his ill father. He only wanted to be of help at that time. If Jeongguk looks back now, he would wonder how did the eleven-year-old even understand what his family needed.

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