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You and Hoseok finally stopped kissing each other long enough for you to have a conversation with all of the members.

"So, how have you been while you were gone?" Namjoon questions as he looks over at you. You shrug your shoulders.

"I've been alright. I took some time to get a lot of old errands done and I started seeing a therapist." You say while smiling softly.

"A therapist?" he questions. You nod. "How do you like it? I've been meaning to see one myself but while here, it's been really hard to keep up with mine." He states.

You nod your head in agreement.

"Yeah, I was worried about how I would manage to keep up with my appointments but my therapist has a new way of doing appointments for her clients who travel a lot. She has this app that's similar to FaceTime or Zoom and we just get on a call through there." You state. "I've tried it once so far but I have more appointments coming up."

Namjoon nods his head and you can see that you've intrigued him with saying this.

"Interesting. Would you be willing to give me your therapist's card? I'd love to schedule an appointment with them." You nod.

"Sure! I can text her information to Hoseok and have him give it to you." You state while smiling softly.

"Thanks!" he says before giving you a dimpled smile. "We're so happy that you're back on flights with us." He states.

"What other things have you been up to lately, Y/N? Any new hobbies or anything since you had time to do more fun stuff?" Jimin questions. You pause for a second as you think.

"Not really, no." you state. "I just spent more time with Jisoo since she was able to get time off while I was off too."

"That's nice, I'm sure it was fun being around her more often since you two are always on different flight routes, right?" Jimin questions. You nod your head and smile softly.

"Yes, it was really fun having a lot of time with her." Jimin smiles when you say this before leaning back in his seat.

After a few moments of silence, you widen your eyes.

"Oh no, how long have I been back here?" you question.

"About 15 minutes." He states.

"Ah, you should probably get back up to the front...." Hoseok says before leaning over his seat to give you a kiss on your cheek. You smile softly as he does this before starting to get up from the seat near them that they let you rest in.

Sighing, you give all of them another quick wave.

"I'm not sure if Aera is going to let me come back here since I took so long giving you guys drinks so... I'll see you at the end of the flight if I don't get to come back." You say. The men nod before each of them give you a smile. You smile back and make your way back towards the area where the flight attendants sit.

Once you sit down, you see Aera now fast asleep while listening to the music she had playing when you left.

You let out a sigh of relief, glad that she won't remember how long you've been gone by the time she wakes up.

If she doesn't keep track of when I got back, I won't tell our boss she fell asleep.

It's a win-win for both of us. No one gets in trouble.

Airplane Pt. 3 - jhsWhere stories live. Discover now