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You're now waiting at the counter for the boys to show up for the flight.

As you wait, you stare down at your phone and scroll through the news as you check what's going on in the world as of right now.

While you do this, you sigh before you hear something being set onto the counter in front of you.

Once you look over at the other side of the counter, you see a cup sitting there.

Tilting your head to the side, you stare at the cup before looking up at the person standing in front of you.

"Hi, beautiful." You're greeted by Hoseok's bright smile.

This immediately causes you to smile widely as you look at him.

"Hi, handsome." You say before pointing down at the cup sitting on the counter. "What's this?" you ask once you notice that the drink is untouched.

"I got you the drink you ordered from that café." He says while smiling. "You usually have a coffee so I decided to get you the drink you ordered there."

You grin widely as he lifts the cup and hands it to you. You reach for the cup and immediately take a sip from it.

I forgot to get a coffee today so this makes my day a lot better.

He watches as you take a sip from the cup before glancing down.

"Oh wait... you didn't have your coffee today. I could've just gotten you that then." He says before laughing. You immediately shake your head.

"I mainly only get coffee because this drink is pretty hard to find at coffee shops." You say while pointing down at it. He grins as you say this. "Thank you, Hoseok." You say while giving him a wide smile.

He nods his head, leaning onto the counter as he stares up at you.

"Here's my passport by the way." He hands you his passport. You nod and scan it before handing it to him.

Once he takes it, he puts it into his carryon.

"Good morning, Y/N!" Jungkook greets as he makes his way towards you. You smile up at him and watch as each member begins approaching in a group.

"Hey, Y/N." Yoongi greets with a small head nod.

"How are you today?" Namjoon asks.

"I'm doing great! Hoseok surprised me with a drink." You say while pointing down at the cup. The other members smile as they hear this.

"That's great, Y/N." Taehyung says.

"Oh, here's our passports." Yoongi says as he hands you the other six members' passports. You nod your head and grin over at Yoongi before starting to scan through their passports and tickets.

"I'm glad we told him to get her that drink." Jimin whispers to Seokjin. Seokjin nods his head before gently wiggling his eyebrows over at Hoseok.

Hoseok gives them a 'cut it out' look while widening his eyes at them, doing a cut-throat motion over his neck.

While this interaction is going on, you're finishing up scanning the tickets, unaware of the quiet conversation going on amongst the boys.

Namjoon steps towards the counter to talk to you so you don't see the embarrassment starting to form on Hoseok's face as Jimin and Seokjin tease him.

Airplane Pt. 3 - jhsWhere stories live. Discover now