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You're now at the gate at the airport as you wait for the boys.

You let out a soft sigh as you glance down at your watch.

A little too early.

You make your way to the nearest coffee shop and order a large, iced coffee with almond milk and vanilla creamer.

Once you get your coffee, you make your way to the gate again and see a new stewardess standing there already.

You smile at her before taking a sip of your coffee.

"Hi! I'm Y/N. Are you the one stewarding with me for this flight?" you ask.

"Yeah, I'm Kasey. Nice to meet you." She states before she looks down at your coffee. "Where'd you get that coffee? I could really use one." She lets out a soft laugh.

"Oh, it's just that way and to the left." You say while pointing at the direction of where you just came from. She nods her head before she steps away from the computer.

"Do you think you can handle this while I go get a coffee?" she questions. You nod your head before giving her a small smile.

"Yeah, I can handle it." You say before trading places with her as you step behind the computer.

Once you do, you take another sip of coffee before patiently waiting for the boys to show up.

"Hey Y/N!" you hear causing you to look up as you see the boys smiling at you. You smile back and give them a small wave. "Did you like LA?" they ask.

You nod your head slowly.

"Yeah, it was really nice!" you say. "How was your concert?" you question.

"It was great! I really missed being on tour." Namjoon immediately states. The boys nod in agreement.

"I could hardly hear myself in my earpiece." Jungkook says as he gestures to his ear.

"Did you hear the sound of the floor shaking when they were dancing along to Ugh???" Yoongi immediately questions.

"Yes! I'm so glad we finally were able to perform that." Hoseok immediately states. "I was on fire last night, I'm so ready for the rest of these shows!"

You smile at their enthusiasm before grinning.

"I'm glad you guys had a good concert... though, I already knew you'd have a good show." You state before looking at them. "By the way, do you guys have your tickets? I have to scan them into the system so they know you made it to your flight." You state.

You watch as each member immediately hands you their plane tickets.

You take each ticket, one at a time, and scan each ticket before handing them back to each of the members.

"Alright, you guys are good to go for now! You can explore the airport or take a seat over there, but if you choose to explore, please be back in time." You say while giving them a smile.

"Ah, we would explore if we could but our manager wants us to stay here for now." You nod your head at Taehyung's words.

You lift your coffee cup and take a sip of your coffee.

Yoongi's eyes follow the coffee cup from the minute you pick it up until you put it back onto the desk in front of you.

"Where'd you get that coffee?" he asks while pointing down at it. "I could really use one." He says before licking his lips.

Airplane Pt. 3 - jhsWhere stories live. Discover now