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You're now sitting with the members while you drink the slushie that the staff brought for you.

Hoseok still has you sitting on his lap as he nuzzles his face into your neck. Every now and then, you can feel his warm breath hitting the side of your neck as he does so.

You let out a soft sigh as you allow yourself to fully lean against Hoseok. His arms lovingly embrace you tighter once you do so.

"So, Y/N, are you any good at solving puzzles?" Yoongi suddenly speaks. You look over at him and shrug.

"Yeah... I guess so." You say before shrugging your shoulders.

"Yah! No using Y/N to cheat at the contest we have going on right now, Yoongi-ah." Jin speaks up while narrowing his eyes at Yoongi. Yoongi holds his hands up in front of him.

"I wasn't doing anything of the sort." He says.

"You just want the rice cooker to yourself." Jimin says while rolling his eyes at Yoongi.

"Yeah!" Jungkook chimes in while pointing his finger at Yoongi. "You're not going to steal it from me, Yoongi."

The boys let out a laugh when he calls him by his actual name with an American accent.

"You know, your English is really good, Jungkook." You state. "Let me know if any of you want to learn new languages. It's part of my job requirement to speak multiple languages."

"How many can you speak?" Namjoon questions.

"Fluently? Three." You state. "Not fluently? Eight."

"So eleven combined?" Taehyung's eyebrows raise. "I'll definitely come to you for help with English then." He states.

"Sounds good. I don't mind helping you guys learn how to say hello in new languages." You state while shrugging.

The boys smile widely when you say this.

"I'll be sure to come ask you for help when I'm learning French then." Jimin states.

"That better not be a code for something gross with my girlfriend." Hoseok speaks up suddenly while looking over at him while giving him a death glare. Jimin gasps and puts his hand on his chest when Hoseok says this.

Jimin's lips form into a pout and he furrows his eyebrows while staring over at him.

"Hyung, how could you think I'd do something like that to you? You're like my older friend who I look up to. I wouldn't take Y/N away from you." He states.

Hoseok glances over at him, eyes still narrows for a second. After a few seconds, his eyes soften as he looks over at Jimin.

You can feel the tenseness in Hoseok's body going away once Jimin says this.

"Besides, if I wanted Y/N, I would've made a move way before you did." Jimin jokes, letting out a loud laugh while the other members shake their heads with the exception of Taehyung.

"You're right. Hoseok really took a while to make a move on Y/N, didn't he?" Taehyung responds. The two look at each other and nod in agreement before looking over at Hoseok again.

Hoseok arches an eyebrow as he stares at the two.

"Even if you did make a move, Y/N wouldn't have wanted to go out with you anyway, Jimin-ah. Especially after seeing you behaving like this." Hoseok states while gesturing towards Jimin as he refers to the way Jimin is acting right now.

Airplane Pt. 3 - jhsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon