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"I don't know, Namjoon-ah." Hoseok speaks up as he looks over at his phone. "I feel like Y/N is going to be upset that I haven't been able to call her as much." He bites onto his lower lip, growing a little nervous about you.

"She knows you're busy. You two have been actively communicating with each other and you're doing everything you can to ensure the relationship is okay." Namjoon responds. "You've talked to her about these things and she knows, hyung."

"Then why is she ignoring me?" Hoseok immediately questions.

"She's probably just hanging out with someone right now or is out running errands." Namjoon responds. "Just give her a bit to respond, I'm sure when we get out of the rehearsal, you'll have a response."

Hoseok lets out a slow, deep sigh before nodding his head. He runs his fingers through his hair before adjusting the waistband of his sweatpants as he stands up. Once he's fully standing up, he stretches his arms above his head before making his way towards the door.

The other members who are still in the room glance at each other.

"You think he'll be okay, hyung? Or will he need us to cheer him up?" Jimin questions while looking up at Namjoon.

"I think he'll be fine." Namjoon states. "He's just worried because we still haven't heard anything about bringing her back yet."

"Yeah, I honestly think she's just still running errands," Jungkook chimes in. "I mean, it's like us when we get back from a tour. Whenever we get back from tour, we always have so many things to do like catch up on laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, unpacking, etc."

Jimin and Namjoon nod.

"Exactly." Namjoon states before letting out a soft sigh. "Are you two ready to head into the room?" the two nod and get up from their seats. They follow Namjoon out of the room.

Upon getting into the next room they see that Hoseok is talking with Yoongi. Yoongi's eyes are squinted as he laughs, shoulders shaking while Hoseok makes him laugh.

Namjoon softly smiles as he sees this before looking over at Jimin and Jungkook.

"See? He just needs to be around Yoongi for a bit. Yoongi's good at talking him out of his overthinking." Namjoon states. The two nod in agreement before Hoseok glances over, seeing that the three have now entered the room.

"Alright! Everyone's here!" Hoseok states towards the choreographer.

"Sweet." The choreographer states. "Have all seven of you warmed up already?" the members glance at each other and nod their heads.

"Yep, we're ready to go." The choreographer nods his head before stepping towards the front of the studio. At the front of the studio in front of the mirror, the choreographer makes eye contact with each  member of the group.

"I expect all of you to practice this routine religiously for the next few days." He states. "Your performance is coming up in a few days and I know you all want this choreography to be perfect. As long as you all practice as much as possible when you have a chance, you'll do great."

The boys nod and look over at Hoseok.

"Hoseok-ah is the one responsible for making sure we continue to practice and perfect routines. He'll keep us all accountable." Seokjin states. "Especially me." he says before letting out a laugh.

"Stop talking yourself down, hyung." Hoseok states while looking over at Seokjin. "You've been improving so much and I'm really proud of you. Stop speaking badly about yourself." He says before stepping over to Seokjin, resting his hand on one of his shoulders before resting his chin on his other shoulder while staring over at him.

Airplane Pt. 3 - jhsWhere stories live. Discover now