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You're now in your hotel room, getting things unpacked for your three-day stay in this city.

Sighing, you reach for a pair of jeans and a crop top. Nodding your head, you lay it out on the bed before reaching for your makeup bag. You open it and choose a few different makeup products to use on your face.

You glance at the clock and see that it's only 11:39 AM.

"Aw man..." you mumble to yourself.

Your tour of the city isn't until 2 PM.

God, what am I going to do in the meantime?

I don't want to explore alone...

You bite onto your lower lip and shake your head.

Your phone goes off.

Hoseok 😍: Hey baby, we're on a lunch break. Do you want to stop by the set?

You widen your eyes when you read this.

Me? Go into one of their sets?

You smile widely and immediately begin responding.

Y/N: You're sure that's okay with the other members?

After hitting send, your phone begins ringing and you let out a soft laugh as you see him FaceTiming you. You roll your eyes before answering the phone.

"Hello?" you ask once Hoseok's face pops up.

"Hey baby." He says while smiling at his screen. He turns the camera to show the other members sitting in their seats. "Guys, I got Y/N on the phone."

"Y/N's on the phone? Hey Y/N!" some of the members begin greeting you. You smile widely as you wave down at the camera.

Hoseok continues moving the camera around to show each member one by one.

You notice how all of them have new hairstyles and colors.

"Oh my gosh! All of you have new hairstyles! How'd you manage to do that so quickly?" You ask.

The boys let out a soft laugh.

"We each got our hair done at the same time." Hoseok responds before letting out a soft laugh. You smile softly when you hear this and nod your head.

"Well, it looks really good. All of your hair." You say while referring to each and every member.

Each member smiles once you say this.

"Back to the real reason I called you," Hoseok states. "Can you stop by the shoot? We have food and we're on a break right now from filming our Run episode."

"I can come..." you say before drifting off as you glance around your room. "But is it safe for me to go there?" you ask.

"Y/N, it's always safe. We take a lot of precautions." Namjoon is suddenly the one speaking up from Hoseok's side of the line.

You watch as Hoseok moves the camera to show Namjoon speaking.

"We have a lot of security, we use unmarked cars to pick up guest stars, and we always give a full team of bodyguards." He states.

"So there's no risk of sasaengs or anything?" you ask. The boys nod their heads.

"Y/N, Hoseok would never let anything bad happen to you." Jungkook is the next to speak up. You bite onto your lower lip.

Airplane Pt. 3 - jhsWhere stories live. Discover now