Chapter 46. Epilogue

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"Guys you're going to have to hurry if you want to go see mommy!" I yelled through the house as I put a coat on Thomas. I could hear Ava's and Abel's feet running through the hallway. They had entered into their competitive stage and were always looking for an opportunity to beat each other at something. At times it was cute, maybe even helpful when they competed at eating their vegetables the fastest, other times it was a bit annoying.

I heard Thomas groan as he watched his older siblings race through the hallways throwing articles of clothing on them. If anyone was tired of it in this family, it was definitely him. I held in a laugh as  I gathered them up and made way for the door.

As I was putting everyone in the car, I heard a roar of an engine coming down the street. "Is that Jax Teller Suburban Dad of the year?!" Opie yelled out. I flipped him off and he gave a booming laugh. "Don't you have somewhere to be? Or did your wife finally extend the leash?" I fired back.

"Oh my gosh, you are so funny. How do you do it?" he said sarcastically, "anyways, Mila told me to remind you to bring the kids by for Henry's first birthday."

I let out a whistle, "where did the time go? Your little guy is already one? You're getting old, already seeing the greys coming in."

"You're one to speak with your van full of kids!"

"Ah, ah, this is not a van. This is an SUV." Opie and I looked at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Man, what happened to us? I use to bring croweaters to their knees!"

"Yeah, you did, but do you miss it?" he said becoming serious.

I looked at the kids who were being occupied with their own conversation, "no, I wouldn't change it for the world. Legit business, a happy home, a good club. Nothing to miss."

"Yeah, I guess we finally got our fair share," he embraced me in a hug, "anyways, go see her man, I don't want to hold you up. I know the kids have been dying to see her."

I nodded and waved goodbye to him as I slipped inside the car. I interacted with the kids on the way to the hospital as we sang songs and played ridiculous road games. It always made the ride go by smoother for them. Once we reached the hospital, I led them inside the building. The hospital was a bit warmer than usual considering it had gotten chillier outside.

There was a Christmas tree sitting in the middle of the waiting room filled with ornaments and lights. And little angel tree wishes for kids who needed presents. I saw Ava's face light up as she took in the décor for her favorite holiday. She clutched tighter to the flowers I handed her out of excitement as I led her and her brothers down the hallway.

When we finally reached the room I opened it to reveal Nelly laying in bed. She looked so sweet with her hair down and the robe I had brought her from home. The kids ran up to her and handed her all their flowers as she planted kisses on everyone's forehead.

I walked up to her and placed a kiss on her lips, "how's the queen doing?"

"Better," she said planting another kiss on my lips. Her smile matched mine as we grinned from ear to ear.

"Slow down you two, she hasn't even recovered yet," my mother interrupted walking out of the bathroom.

"Mom," I said with feigned happiness.

"Jackson Nathaniel Teller, don't get smart."

"I'm not, I just thought you'd be home."

"And miss this moment to be with my grandbabies and my daughter-in-law, absolutely not." I shook my head as Nelly began to giggle at our banter. I sat next to her as the kids started to go on about their day and all the drawings they made for her. Thomas was sitting in her lap trying to soak up as much attention as possible. I guess I couldn't blame the little guy, he wasn't going to stand for competition.

A knock on the door came and a nurse came in pushing my new baby girl in the room. She had broken free from her swaddle and her hat had slipped off her head full of hair. "This sweetie has quite the fan club!" the nurse said before she ran to the door to reveal everyone standing in the hallway. I was surprised to see everyone here as they cheered from a distance.

My daughter's existence signified so many things. It was truly a celebration, a reward for a calmer and better life not only for the club but for each of us individually. I reached into the crib and scooped the baby out gently. She was so small and fragile that I was afraid to break her. But I knew that I would do anything for her just by how she looked at me.

I walked to the middle of the room so that everyone could hear me. Holding her in a way that gave everyone a good view of her. "Everyone, I would like you to meet Samcro's newest member, Lydia Jade Teller."

Everyone hooted and hollered as my mom handed me the famous Samcro baby hat, switching the plain one on her head. Dice walked over to me and put his around me, "you did good son, I'm proud of you," he said just between us. I handed him his newest granddaughter and he took her to go meet Thomas. Everyone watched with anticipation as the toddler came eye to eye with his sister. He reached his small hand to hers and she clutched his fingers in her fist. Thomas squealed with laughter as he smiled down at the baby. Quickly becoming mesmerized by her.

"You see, I told you he would love her," I said sitting down next to Nelly. She rolled her eyes at me as she watched all the kids interact with Lydia.

"We have a lot of kids Jax," she said in realization, "we're going to need a bigger ride."

"I am not driving a van," I protested.


"I said I'd give you a beautiful life. Nowhere in the dictionary is a van associated with the word beautiful," Nelly giggled at my silliness.

"You did give me a beautiful life and beautiful kids...and the world's most beautiful moon to see even when it's light outside."

"Mrs. Teller, you're making me blush," I teased, "would you say I have the best moon in Charming?"

"And now you've ruined it," she said laughing.


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