Chapter 16.

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Bobby and I stood outside of Teller-Morrow as we went over the details that I couldn't say in church. Otto had been informed that Luann had been sleeping around, the worst of it was that she was sleeping with Bobby. Our main goal now was to find Georgie Caruso and get revenge for our brother inside.

"He told Clay I was banging Luann?" Bobby asked. I could see that the guilt was etched on his face.

"No, man," I reassured, "the sheriff did give Otto a name, yours. We're protecting you."

He sighed heavily, "Otto knows?"

"Look we obviously know you didn't kill Luann."

He shook his head, "sheriff's got my DNA. Why haven't they questioned me?"

"I don't know. Just fishing, I guess. Roosevelt knows that your DNA doesn't prove you killed Luann. So, he's stirring shit up...seeing if Otto reacts, maybe give up on something else."

"Otto would never turn on the club."

"If anything could do it, it would be Luann. We gotta end this today."

The conversation came to a halt as Clay came from the back with a location on Georgie. I found his behavior to be odd since he insisted on picking up a shipment that could be done later. He disappeared into my mom's office and I dismissed his behavior. I had to go meet the guys at Lyla's so that we could get a hold of Georgie.

I was interrupted by my phone buzzing on my way to my bike. I dreaded picking up as soon as I saw a governmental number. I held the bridge of my nose as I tried to cage in my annoyance, "what do you want?"

"Wow, is that how you greet everyone?" Roosevelt chuckled on the other end of the line.

"Is there a reason you called my phone?" irritation dripped off my lips.

"Yes, I need you to stop by the station."

"And if I don't?"

"Well, I could always come escort you myself since we both know how much you love the back of a squad car."

I rolled my eyes and snapped the phone shut. I started up the engine of my bike and made my way to the station. I wondered what bull he would feed me this time. As far as I was concerned, no one needed to be bailed out of jail. So, I was confused about why he needed me in the first place.

Once I was at the station, I didn't bother knocking on his office door or alerting his minions. I simply walked in like I owned the place, "now will you tell me what you want?"

Roosevelt sucked his teeth that spread on his lips, he then slammed bank statements in front of me. I looked over what appeared to be the account I shared with Nelly. I saw that she was still active with the account, unlike myself who had practically abandoned it. "Dude why are you showing me this, I haven't used this account in years."

"Yes, but your wife apparently has been using it and she made sure to drop off a pretty penny this morning." I scanned the paper and my eyes landed on a line of zeros. I couldn't help the surprise that was most likely visible on my features. Roosevelt took notice, "by the look on your face I'm assuming that you had nothing to do with this."

"Of course not, I don't even know where this money came from. She probably sold something."

"You don't know where your wife got that much money? Pity, my wife and I share everything with each other," his tone was somewhat cynical.

"Am I done here; Nelly is the most honest person I know."

He placed the documents in his lap, "Yeah, I guess you're right. You are her husband after all," he cocked his head at me in an inquisitive manner, "how does that work?"

"How does what work?"

"Y'know the white biker and the black woman? I thought you guys had a strict policy on shades."

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to get out of my seat. "all you need to know is that you interrupted my day bringing up bullsh**. Now, if you'll excuse me." I walked out of the police station and left Roosevelt in his office. The question never got easier and I was tired of it back then and I'm tired of it now. People always wanted me to justify my relationship with Nelly like I had to explain her. And I didn't need to explain sh** when it came to my wife!

The question struck a nerve but not as much as a nerve as the money did. I went to the bank to check for myself and sure enough, the statements were real. I couldn't even fathom how Nelly had come across that kind of money. I mean clean, cold, hard cash and not something that had to be stored and washed. I wanted to confront her about it, but I took a step back and wanted her to come to tell me first. She must know what kind of questions that kind of money would bring, she wouldn't just leave me in the dark about that.

Still, the fact that she didn't tell me before she made the deposit seemed weird. My name is on the account she at least could have told me. I retrieved my phone from my pocket and scrolled through my contacts until I found hers. I shot her a quick text, "do anything special today?"

She texted me back quickly with a short reply, "no, been in the office today." I stared at her text with annoyance. I got the feeling that she was hiding something, so I sent another text.

"I'll pick up Ava today after daycare. Are you going to be home?"

"Yeah, I'll be here."

I was determined to have her tell me what was going on, and exactly what her angle was with the money. No one deposits that kind of money without a plan.

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