Chapter 7. The Crow and the Alchemist

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The music began to slow as everyone began to wind down. I sat in a chair next to my dad with Ava in my arms. Ava was sprawled in my arms still clutching the bouquet that she managed to catch. I sighed as I removed the barrette from her hair, "what do you think of all this?" My dad looked over at me wearing a confused expression on his face, "Oh c'mon old man, I know you're just dying to tell me your grand plan."

He looked at me with a soft smile and took another puff of his cigar, "you already know how I feel baby girl. And don't give me that nonsense about Clay edging you out, you took your place at the table before and you can do it again."

"You think Samcro is ready to go legit? Dad of all people you should know how hard it is to get a club to change."

"Yeah, but never opening the door for them would be a failure on our part. I'm not saying it's going to be easy, change takes time. But people change when things get bloody," his features softened, "I know you're worried about their heat with the feds and everything else, but we are stronger than that. Dice's girl doesn't fold."

I held onto Ava tighter now as the members of the club surrounded us. I began to prepare to leave and join Mila on the dance floor, but my father made me sit back down. Mila looked over at me and read my face as she came over, I didn't want Ava to wake up during club talk so I did something that I never thought I would.

"Gemma!" she looked over at me with a shocked expression on her face. I swallowed the lump in my throat as she walked over, "yes, your highness?" I fought the urge to roll my eyes and instead handed Ava to her, "can you please take her for a few minutes?" My request surprised her as she took Ava from my hands. I said nothing more as I sat down next to Mila.

Putalov had given Opie "the cop killer" as a wedding gift. It was a pricy little piece of steel, that could cut through just about anything. I had heard about Jax being stabbed inside and I knew that his wedding invite was only a cover-up. The knowledge made me angry, this life provided no room for innocence or security. Getting into bed with Samcro was bound to be bloody.

"So, how have you been Daniel? I heard you have been doing some legendary things," Clay blew his cigar as he laid back in his chair. My father mimicked him, "I can't take the credit, my little girl runs the show now."

Jax looked over at me like everyone, but Opie,  in surprise. "A woman at the head of the table? Impressive." I refrained from rolling my eyes at his obvious sexism and misogyny. "So, where's your leather?" he joked earning a laugh from the rest. It's true, I didn't wear the vest, but maybe it was because of my own traditional tendencies. Every morning my mom would put my dad's leather on him, I loved doing the same for Jax when we were married. I just never felt the same way about putting the leather on myself.

The only time I saw a woman wear the vest is when my mom died. She was attacked by a rival gang years ago. She placed the leather on as an oath of silence and rebellion as they lit her on fire as their last bit of torcher. I hid underneath a car and watched in horror from a distance. When the members came to take her body, I remember seeing how the leather had left an imprint of our symbol on her back. The leather was hardly damaged, and I tattooed that same symbol, the same size on my back. To me, it was like wearing the leather and honoring the strength my mother had on that day.

"If you're done being a comedian, I have an opportunity for you," Clay threw his hands up in surrender. "As a promise to JT, I will be surrendering the Alchemist over to you."

Clay leaned over, "you would give me the Alchemist? What's the catch? Because inheriting a bunch of old, retired men isn't helping my payroll sweetheart."

I stifled a laugh as Mila rubbed my back, I wanted to wring his neck and my father's for making me do something so stupid. "You're right, inheriting new territory and a hand in my list of books doesn't seem like your payroll. Seems above it."

"Now, we're talking!" Clay flicked the bud of his cigar as he clapped his hands in delight. "How much is all that worth sweetheart?" he leaned in to hear the number. I rolled my eyes and flashed my pearly white smile.

"That much!" he laughed harder, "say, why are you handing this all over so easy? What's the big scandal?"

"No tricks Clay, the sons get the alchemist and our charters, which includes the property and you guys get a chair in my business and marijuana farms. This will help you become legit and stay out of the pen. However, I'll let you know now, that without me no one in my books will listen to you. So, I'd be careful how you tread."

His smile widened, "crystal. Why don't you come by tomorrow with everything and we can vote on it. I'll phone the other charters." I nodded my head and proceeded to get up as Mila dragged Ope to the dance floor. I walked past Alvarez who placed a gentle kiss on my hand and nodded in my direction.

"So, the queen is finally taking off her crown?" he questioned.

I scoffed, "those men would wear it upside down." He laughed at my jab and got whisked away by some brunette. I shook my head as he grinned at me, I felt a hand fall on my shoulder. I turned around to meet a pair of familiar blue eyes.

"You going to tell me what's going to happen now?" he questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders, "go enjoy your family Jax. Welcome home."

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