Chapter 29. A Mother's Love

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I heard a knock on the door and I turned off the TV. Phil poked his head through the door, "Tara?" he called into the room, "she said she was family." He stepped aside so that I could get a better view of someone I never thought I'd see again. Wendy Case stood before me with a bouquet of flowers. She looked different, like a whole new person. Sobriety worked for her it seemed.

I couldn't help the feeling of déjà vu that I felt when I saw her. Just three years ago, Wendy was the one in the hospital bed looking all torn. I was the sophisticated and well-put-together woman, but now a part of me felt like the roles had changed.

"He's a big one," she laughed as she placed the flowers down next to me. "Yeah, um, thank you," I said awkwardly. I had no idea of what to make of her presence. I was a bit on edge that she was here, to begin with.

"Sorry to barge in, I didn't know if you were going to be awake," she explained.

"What are you doing here," I asked getting straight to the point.

"I'm running a program in your HR department, and I was looking for you in neonatal and they said you were up here."

"I thought you were in Seattle."

She nodded her head, "I was. I just moved back two weeks ago, and I got a job at a recovery center in Lathrop. They do a lot of hospital stuff, so here I am."

"Here you are," I said plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Can I ask what happened to you?" she asked motioning over to my cast.

"I slammed my hand in a car door."

Her face became disoriented, "jeez, I'm sorry," she paused looking for something to say. "I heard about your son! That's really great, I'm happy for you and Jax."

"Thanks," I said through my 'smile,' "I'm not really sure what to say here."

"I don't know what to say either," she admitted, "I've just been waiting for the right time to reach out."

"And you thought now would be that time?" my face became serious.

She noticed the change in my demeanor, "I don't want to cause any trouble."

"Then what is it you do want Wendy?"

"I want to see my son," she stated plainly.

"I'm his mother. I'm the one who raised him when you walked away."

"I know, and I am grateful you were here to do that, but legally I am still his mother."

"You gave up your rights."

"Yes, for me, but I gave them to Noella. She is responsible for him legally." My heart stopped at this information. I knew there was a possibility that Wendy signed over her custodial rights to Noella, but I hadn't thought it was a real threat until now. "I'm sorry that you had to find out this way, but I needed to make sure that Able was with someone who would tell him the truth. My number is on the card if you would like to have this conversation again."

She walked out of the room abruptly after that and left me alone. I hadn't noticed how fast my heart was beating until now. I tried to calm myself, but the only thing I could think about was the fate of my son. If what Wendy said was true then that would mean my plans to take the boys were in jeopardy. That at any moment, she could persuade Noella to keep Abel and take him away from me.

I was distraught and angry at just the idea of Noella watching my children while I was in the hospital. She wasn't someone I liked nor trusted, and she was not going to take my son away from me. She couldn't possibly raise him better than I could. I had sacrificed and invested so much time and effort into Abel. From keeping up with his health to trying to get him out of this evil town.

Noella had commitments to the club and she wasn't ready to up and leave. My son would be forced to grow up around flying bodies and his shady grandparents. There was nothing I could do to prevent that for him, not even have his father read the letters. I couldn't have Jax diving deeper into the club. He was already in way over his head with this whole cartel deal. No doubt that more dangerous deals would pop up on my doorstep if I didn't get my kids out of here.

I had to make Noella seem unfit somehow, not only to the law but to Jax too. I wasn't going to leave Able behind, that wasn't what real mothers did. Unlike Wendy, I wasn't going to give up my kid for a quick fix. I also wasn't going to put them in danger by parading around like a drug lord like Noella. Both of these women were far too occupied by outside sources to give their full attention to just being a mother.

I pressed the call button to have Margaret come to my room. She was the only one I could trust that actually wanted me to get out of Charming. She would do anything to make that dream come true.

Margaret came into my room in a hurry and was surprised to see that I was fine. "Oh, I thought something happened to you. It sounded urgent when you called."

"No, I'm fine. I just need to ask you something."

"Whatever you need," she said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I need to know how to make someone look unfit."

Her eyebrows came together in confusion, "unfit how?"

"I sighed, "I need to make sure that Noella Williams can't take my son away from me."

"Tara," Margaret said calmly, "unless you have proof that she is a danger to Abel, then I can't do anything to help you."

I locked eyes with Margaret and my features became stale. I hadn't realized I had gotten so angry until my broken hand slammed the bouquet of flowers next to me. Margaret's mouth dropped as she watched me have a mental breakdown.

"Tara, Tara stop!" she held on to my arm to prohibit me from damaging it any further. "I'll do whatever you want. Just tell me what you want me to do."

I looked at her with tears in my eyes and replied weakly, "you make sure she can never take my son away from me. I don't care what you do, just make sure that it gets done."

Margaret had a frightened look on her face, "if I do what you're asking of me, then I put you and me at risk of losing our careers. Noella will most likely lose her own child too."

I paused for a moment before I looked at Margaret square in the eyes and told her, "I will do anything for my boys. And if that means what you're implying, then so be it."

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