Chapter 42.

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I don't know what happened or why she did what she did. It was supposed to be a nice outing so that she could spend some time with Abel. Everything was going great. I brought the kids to the park, I occupied Ava so that Tara could spend some time with the boys, I did everything right! I didn't think she would have the guts to do what she did, but she used me like pawn on a chest board. She must have had this planned for weeks, maybe even months.

It all started when she insisted that we take her SUV to the park; it was big enough for the five of us, so I naturally agreed. I made sure to keep my eyes on her the whole time, and I was watching the clock like a hawk. I warned her about going over our agreed time frame, because I didn't want Jax or Noella to found out about what we were doing. She agreed and she even said a goodbye speech to the boys! It was a stellar performance.

I had to use the restroom, but something told me to not let her out of my sight. So, I put Ava in the car, Ava was a bullet proof way of making sure Tara couldn't leave. I mean, if she were thinking logically, she would have never touched Noella's child. It was a miracle she made it through that hospital fiasco alive, I didn't think she would want to try her luck again. But she did, so that told me that she was desperate. Looking back now, I feel like such an idiot. I should have known better, and now I am paying for it. I doubt Noella will let me anywhere near the kids when we get them back, if we get them back.

"Mom, what else happened?" Jax was sitting in front of me. It was taking everything in him not to snap, anger just radiated off of him.

"I told you everything that happened Jackson."

"Well, that's not good enough!" he jumped from the chair, "she has my kids because of you! I need you to remember something valuable, so that I don't completely disown you."

My mouth hung open a little, he had never been this angry with me before. His face was red, his fists were balled, and his eyes were dark. His face was all screwed up in a frown and he even walked angrily. So much had happened in the last hour, he was rightfully overwhelmed. Seeing Noella faint out of shock snapped something inside of him. When she finally came to she didn't say a word.

A part of me wanted to talk to her, but I knew that no good would come from anything I had to say. In her mind, she finally got her bit of happiness, and someone had snatched it from her. Her anger was different from Jackson's, it was calculated and timed. Lord knows what would happen when she finally exploded.

Suddenly, Noella's phone went off, she ran up to it and practically threw everything out of her purse to get to it. "Hello? What's the news?" her voice was frantic. Jax walked up to her and rubbed her back as she began to shake.

"Who has them now? I need to know who has them now!" tears rushed down her face and Jax slowly took the phone from her. I had no idea who was on the other line, but Jax seemed to speak to them much calmer than Noella.

When the conversation was over, he turned off the phone and embraced her, he talked sweetly to her as he tried to calm her down. "It's okay, we're going to bring them home babe."

"He's trying to get back at me, he doesn't want them, he wants me!"

Jax held her face in his hands, "no one is going to lay a hand on my wife. We're going to bring our kids home." She nodded her head as she started to grab her things. Jax turned to the members to give instructions, "that was KC, he is an informant, he hacked into the cameras from the streetlights and he found Tara." My heart started to pound as he continued, "Tara is only a few miles outside of Charming, but she was hit by an old member of the Alchemists. From what KC saw, she was held at gunpoint and he took the car with the kids inside."

"Jesus," Chibs said underneath his breath. His shock matched everyone's emotions.

"Now this member was a family friend of Nelly's. He knows Ava and he used that to his advantage with the kids. I don't know this guy, but if we find him, we find the kids. Now he's heading North to one of the properties of the Alchemists. Its an old warehouse, Nelly knows the ins and outs and she'll ride with me. Everyone else follow behind, and if ANYONE tries to hurt her or my kids, you shoot, no questions asked."

His last comment sent chills down my spine. I had no doubt in my mind that Jax would kill for Noella and his kids. I knew that as soon as he spotted Tara she was a goner, that's why I had to get to her first.

Once everyone started to clear out I grabbed Noella's arm. She looked startled to see me, then her surprise turned to anger. "What?" her hand landed on her hip.

"I need to come with you guys," my voice was pleading. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, I pulled her arm again. "Noella, I'm the only one she'll listen to."

"Oh, so you're the one who suggested she take my kids?"

I was taken aback, "I would never suggest her to do that. She must have become desperate without seeing Abel."

"Good. Cause she won't ever see him again."

"Noella, you can't let Jax kill her."

"Why?" she cocked her head at me, "why would I save her? What good is she to me? Other than her part time job of child kidnapper on the weekends."

"Listen I know you're upset-"

"Do you? Because for the last hour I have been wondering if my kids are okay. If she has enough medicine for Abel and Ava because I'm assuming her little getaway plan didn't include my daughter. And what really pisses me off is that the same person who took them can't seem to protect them when it's time to do so!"

"She was held at gun point!"

"Bullsh**, you know as much as I do that you'd die before someone took your kids. She missed that opportunity with Abel the first time, I can slightly forgive that because she was pregnant. But after the second time," she scoffed.

I said nothing more, I knew she was right. I would have never let someone take my grandchildren, but I still had to go look for my grandbabies.

"Just give me another chance," I pleaded once more.

"Don't you see Gemma? I did give you one more chance. I gave you all the chances that my mom will never have. I let you see them, play with them, spend nights with them. But you always have to control everything, you have to be the queen. You betrayed me, and now my kids are gone. So, if you want to prove anything, prove that you'll put two bullets in the head of the person who took my babies. If you can't do that, don't bother seeing them ever again."

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