Chapter 41. Blackout

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"Damn!" I brought my burnt finger up to my mouth to suck. Thomas eyeballed me in his walker with a startled expression. "Sorry buddy," I said sheepishly. I was attempting to curl my hair with a very hot curling wand while simultaneously trying to keep my eyes on Thomas. I could hear Abel and Ava playing leapfrog in the hallway due to my request of them staying where I can see them.

I was in way over my head trying to get ready for my date with Jax tonight. I had steamed and shined my outfit early this morning but beautifying everything else was proving to be a task with all these kids around. I would have called Patricia today, but since Jax said Gemma would take the kids I didn't even bother. I honestly wish someone would come to help me because I was currently walking around my house with half my hair styled and makeup all over my bathroom counter.

I honestly think babies could sense your frustration because at that moment Thomas gave me the biggest smile. I couldn't help smiling back at him and taking a step back from my annoyance. It was currently five o'clock and I was running out of time, but I wasn't going to get anywhere with Moe, Larry, and Curly running around.

"Alright, let's go get a snack!" the kids stopped hopping around and followed me and Thomas to the kitchen. I was going to give them some gummy bears but then realized that the last thing they needed was sugar. So, I cut up some fruit for them instead and handed Thomas a fruit pouch. While they ate I brought my curling iron in the living room and finished the other half of my hair there instead.

It was pretty interesting witnessing their conversation. Kids were hilarious when you listened to them. "Mommy and Daddy are going on a date," Ava said proudly. Abel cocked his head at her while he dipped his apple slice in peanut butter, "what's a date?"

Ava pondered the question for a minute and I could really see the wheels turning in her head. "I don't know, Daddy said only adults go on dates. He said I can go on one when I'm married," she finished. I snorted, of course, Jax would say that. Abel made a face, "married?" he burst into a fit of giggles. I was enjoying hearing their conversation when I heard a knock on the door.

I looked down at my watch and realized that it must have been Gemma. I walked over to the door to open it and there she stood in all her black and leather glory.

"Hey," she said stepping inside the door, "the kids ready to go?" I peered at the kids who were currently gathered around the breakfast table, "yeah, they're just having a snack." I looked at my watch and noticed that it was still early, "you don't have to take them now, you could just hang out for a bit."

She shook her head, "that's alright, I wanted to take them to the park today. Let them burn some energy, makes bedtime a lot easier."

I nodded my head fully understanding her sentiment. "Okay, I'll just finish getting ready," I was going to walk away until I realized something, "oh, by the way, Ava is on some new medication for her heart. It's just like Abel's, but she just needs her last dose before she eats dinner."

"Ava has a heart condition?" she looked shocked.

"Yeah, she was born with it but she never got surgery. We just went with radiofrequency instead since she wasn't born a preemie. She's usually fine but it just helps her heart rate."

Gemma nodded her head and went ahead to gather the kids for a play date. I had no idea why she didn't just use the playground outside, but I was in too much of a hurry to question her. I was racing around my room trying to put myself together. I ended up just throwing a towel over my dress so that I could still do my makeup without getting myself dirty.

"Babe!" my heart dropped when I heard Jax's voice. I fidgeted with my lipstick cap trying to get it off the tube. I was dressed, thankfully, but I was nowhere near ready for my grand entrance. God, I felt like a teenager again. Getting ready for my first date and being ridiculously nervous.

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