Chapter 34.

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ava, happy birthday to you!" everyone broke out into cheers as Ava tried to contain her excitement. I was holding the cake that was inspired by the movie Frozen, while my house looked like Christmas threw up in it. Everyone wore their Christmas hats and Jax made a mini-Christmas lights show in the backyard. Ava's Christmas party was a success and it felt good to have one good day despite the current events.

Tara was still on strict visitation with Thomas, but she wasn't permitted around Able. At first, it was really hard for him, because he would ask for her every now and then. But he was easily distracted by his surroundings and decorating his new room with me. Despite how I felt about her, I did consider letting Tara see Able since she was the one who raised him. And surprisingly, Jax encouraged me to do things my own way when it came to the kids. He has been really supportive too, and his efforts didn't go unnoticed. But I wasn't sure that those efforts would result in a relationship between him and me.

Ava whispered something to Jax before she blew out her candles and everyone clapped around her. She was dressed like a princess and she made sure to act the part, while her dad was a sad impersonation of a prince. He was wearing his usual attire but added a crown to "fit the part." I guess I shouldn't have expected him to actually dress up, Jackson Teller was a man's man. He rode his bike, he drank his beer, and he put things together himself. He was the entire definition of beefcake meets American dad, with a little outlaw on the side of course.

"What'd you wish for Ava?" Gemma asked while she bounced Thomas on her hip. Ava only shared a knowing look with her dad before giggling. "Top secret daddy-daughter information," Jax said while planting a kiss on her forehead. I rolled my eyes at them before slicing up the cake for everyone to enjoy. Once I was finished, I went back to the kitchen to return the knife. Wendy walked in after me and sat on one of the bar stools.

"Thanks for letting me come," she said looking out at Abel, "gosh, he's so big!"

I smiled kindly at her, "you deserve it, Wen, you changed your whole life around after what you did to that kid. I think more than anyone you deserve a second chance with him."

Wendy insisted on keeping her identity from Abel for now. He was only three years old and I doubt his mind could fathom everything that would later be thrown at him. She respected Jax's wishes and thought they were for the best. I decided to have no say in it because I wasn't exactly sure what I was to Abel. Jax and I weren't technically together, we didn't even sleep in the same room. And Abel still called me Noie, I didn't want him to feel pressured to call me anything else. He was still a baby, and his attachment was a process. As for me, I loved Abel, I loved him just as much as Ava. I didn't mind stepping into that role for him when he needed me.

"Is it alright if I take Thomas to go see her? She wanted to say goodnight to him," Gemma walked into the kitchen with Thomas with her. I stared at Thomas for a second and then drew my attention to Ava and Abel having fun outside. I was feeling good, "why don't you let him sleep over tonight?"

Gemma's eyebrows raised up in shock, "will Jax be okay with that?"

"I'll take care of Jax, I'm just feeling really good tonight, so go, go before I change my mind," I shooed her out the kitchen playfully and she took her cue to leave. I turned my attention away from the door until I heard it close. Wendy looked at me concerned, "are you okay with that?" I took a deep breath before I answered her, "not fully, but he is her son, and I don't ever want there to be a time when I would regret not letting him be around his mom." Wendy nodded her head not questioning me further. She knew it was hard for me, especially since Tara and I were still at odds. I never thought to take Thomas but having him here just gives me all those feelings of peace I had when I was pregnant with Ava. His love was innocent and pure, he had no idea of what the adults around him were up to. He just loved and I didn't want to take that away from him.

The party started to die down and everyone started to head home. Every child who was full-on sugar before had finally crashed. Jax put the kids to bed while I cleaned up in the kitchen. I was so in tune with my work that I didn't feel him come up behind me. He poked my sides causing me to jump and place my hand over my heart in shock.

"Jax," I groaned.

"Sorry darlin, couldn't resist," he opened the fridge to grab a carton of milk and drank straight from it. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and went back to wiping down the counters. My phone started to ring and Jax took notice while he leaned over it. I didn't bother looking myself because I knew Mr. Nosey Pants would tell me himself.

"Who's Lucas?" I heard Jax say from behind me. It took me a minute to register the name because I had completely forgotten myself. Then it dawned on me, Lucas was a manager at the grocery store. He had told me that he would call me when he could find some old Christmas decorations for Ava. Of course, it was way too late now, so I was curious as to why he was calling me, especially at night.

I took the phone from Jax and answered it, "hello?"

"Hey Noella, I just wanted to let you know that I did manage to get my hands on a wreath..."

"A wreath?"

"Yeah, it seems that I don't get any Christmas stuff in May."

"You know what, that's okay, the party was a success. I guess you can save that wreath for December, where it truly belongs," I joked. I could hear Lucas laugh on the other line, a little too hard at a joke that wasn't all that funny. He almost sounded nervous.

"I'll be honest Noella, I didn't call about some stupid wreath, I wanted to know if I could take you out to dinner sometime...this week?" I hesitated to answer, primarily because Jax was standing right in front of me. I could feel his eyes studying my every move as he tried to pick up on the conversation I was having. I eventually just snapped at him, "do you mind? I'm on the phone!" I attempted to walk away from him, but he was hot on my trails.

"With who? Who the hell are you talking to?" he said with a smirk on his face. When he saw that I wasn't giving in, the psycho started to chase me around the living room. "Jax quit it!" I said before he leaped on me. He had me pinned underneath him as he snatched my phone and put it on speaker.

"Noella, is this a bad time?" I could hear a concerned Lucas on the other line. Jax looked at the phone in disgust and sucked his teeth, "anytime will be a bad time if you try to call my wife again." Lucas started to stutter on the other line and I groaned in embarrassment, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know she was married."

"Who are you anyway?" Jax said ignoring Lucas. I was about to shout for Lucas not to answer, but then Jax placed two fingers over my lips to shush me. "I work at the mini-mart, I'm the manager," I rolled my eyes at Lucas's naivety. A smirk came over Jax's face as he realized something, "you're that guy that wears the slacks with those penny loafers?" Jax started to laugh and I grew annoyed.

I could hear Lucas defend his attire by saying, "they're actually Greg Norman originals," but that only made Jax laugh harder before he hung up the phone. I attempted to shove him off me, but he had me pinned really good. He leaned close, entirely too close, and said, "you were going to replace me with that fuddy-duddy?"

I let out a loud groan, "Jax, get off of me!"

"No, not until you answer the question. Were you going to replace me with Jake from State Farm," his face was closer now and I could feel his lips hover over mine.

"And if I did," I challenged him. I initially thought that he would say something slick back, but he didn't move, he didn't say a word. He just stared at me in a trance, studying me almost. I was about to give another attempt at shoving him off of me because I'm pretty sure he was sitting on my pelvis. But then his lips slammed into mine. I was shocked at first, and I fully intended to get him off. But the moment my lips opened his tongue swarmed inside like a snake.

It was passionate, sensual, and damn good. I found myself moaning into his mouth, forgetting every thought I had before. When he broke away from the kiss with a bite on my lower lip, I found myself feeling dazed and confused.

"I bet that square couldn't make you feel like that," he said getting off of me with a smirk. I didn't realize how much pressure he was putting on my body until he got up. I didn't bother looking back at him as he walked away, I had too much shame. My entire body had reacted to Jax, and I knew that he knew it. I had been swooned by Jax Teller like all the other cheap groupies of Charming. Great. This meant war.

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