Chapter 31. The Last Straw

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Mila ran through the jailhouse with Wendy following closely behind. They were enjoying each other's company over dinner when Daniel called her. She was in disbelief when she heard about what happened. Even worse, she was devastated to hear about her father-in-law. Opie had let her know what was going on over a phone call. He stated that he wasn't going to be home for a few hours as he was accompanying Daniel.

Mila thought that Jax should be the one accompanying Daniel, but of course, he was too blinded by his surroundings to see the truth. Mila posted bail for Noella but for some reason, she was still being questioned. She assumed it was by CPS but was surprised to see the strange Lincoln Potter followed by Roosevelt. Roosevelt wasn't dressed in his uniform so Mila took the opportunity to pull him to the side.

"What's going on with Noella? What is he doing here?" she gestured over to Potter who was drinking some chocolate milk through a straw.

"I was trying to turn in my badge today when I saw them bring Noella in. They brought her in on child neglect charges, but then when CPS left, Potter moseyed on in there," Roosevelt's voice became a whisper. "He was trying to get Noella to turn on the club about the RICO case by accusing Tara's manager of forging Abel's hospital report."

Mila's mouth dropped at the news, "is she okay?"

Roosevelt looked back at the room that held Noella inside. He slowly shook his head, "you can take her home now. Be careful," was all he said before he slipped out of the station. Mila made eye contact with Wendy who was currently staring at Potter in disgust.

"Wendy, let's go," she said grabbing the blonde's arm. They opened the door to see Noella sitting in the corner of the room. She had her head in her hands, while she sat on the floor barefoot. Mila's heart broke when she saw her friend look up at her with bloodshot eyes. She must have been crying for hours.

Wendy ran over to her and embraced her in a hug. Elle started to sob at the contact which triggered everyone's emotions. She had no doubt in her mind that Noella was innocent. She was a wonderful mother, she would never hurt her own child, much less anyone else's.

She couldn't believe that Tara would stoop so low. Elle would have never stood in her way when it came to Abel, but after this event, she knew Elle would make Tara pay. How? Was always the fun part, that was the fun in being Dice's daughter. She knew how to roll the dice when it came to picking someone's punishment. And taking her child away from her would result in capital punishment.

For now, Mila needed to get Noella out of the station. Wendy then grabbed her shoes while she helped her Noella up off the ground. Once they had made it to the car Wendy began to speak.

"I'm so sorry Elle," she ran her hands through her hair, "Tara must have done this because I told her I signed my rights over to you."

Noella was emotionless as Wendy's eyes began to water. She was reliving the day in her mind from start to finish. From when Abel fell to when she was arrested. Faces and names played in her head and one by one she added them to her hit list.

When they arrived at her home she didn't bother to place any shoes on her feet. She was so numb to her surroundings that shoes hardly made a difference. When she got inside the house, she made a beeline to the shower. Wendy and Mila waited patiently for her return and hoped that cleaning herself up would get her to talk. Her silence frightened them because they knew that silence almost always meant planning.

When she returned to the living room, Wendy had made some tea and offered her a cup. Noella declined as she was more interested in asking Wendy for full details on what she told Tara the day of her visit. Wendy obliged as she went over every detail of their conversation and what she was told happened after.

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