Chapter 10. Ammo

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"We got Bobby, Piney, Juice opposed. Where we at with the rest?" Clay poured himself a cup of coffee as he sat across from Jackson.

"Chibs knows we need this to fill our Irish commitment. He'll go our way. Tig and Happy too," Jax bounced Thomas on his knees as he went over the list of members.

"Still need one more. Kozik?"

"Ex-junkie. I'm thinking he's a no."

"We any closer with Ope?"

"A little. He saw the benefit of having the Cartel on speed dial, but he's not there yet."

"Well, you need to get him there. Ope gives us Miles, that gets us the majority."

"And you need to work on Bobby. Very least stop him from spreading woe."

"Are you going to keep your ex-wife in check, we don't want Ms. Thang coming in and raising hell." Jax cringed at Clay's obvious distaste for Nelly, she was no bossier than his mother. But I guess Clay couldn't call Gemma out on being a B**** out loud, so he chose the latter.

"Nelly is not even a patch, what does she have to do with anything?"

"Look, I don't care about your little history, but you and I both know that she's not going to like being linked to coke. Much less dealing with Galindo. If you get to her, then that'll sway Mila which will domino effect into swaying Ope."

Jackson knew Nelly would never go for it; she would never support transporting coke. She would probably slap him for even suggesting such a thing. Might even push her to leave town again taking his daughter with her.

Jax heard a thud and turned to see Tara hauling Abel's beat-up highchair from the garage. "You using that?" he questioned.

"Yeah, it's Abel's old one."

"I know, it's a piece of sh**. Buy a new one."

"You sure?" Tara examined the chair as Clay took it from her.


"Well, we should probably put it in storage just in case one of the guys needs it."

"Okay. Key's in the junk drawer." Tara smiled as she giddily walked into their shared bedroom. Clay walked in after her which left Jax to ponder his thoughts. His mother smiled softly at him, proud of her son. He burped Thomas as he thought hard about what he was going to say to Noella. They were already walking on a thin line, just two steps away from blowing up.

"You okay sweetie?" Gemma placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah Ma, I'm good." Tara came in shortly after and he handed Thomas back to her. "I think he needs to be changed."

"Oh. You think? You know these are actually disposable. You just take them off, put a new one on."

"Really? And here I thought this whole raising-kids thing was so hard on you," he joked earning him a sarcastic laugh from Tara.

"Just get out of here before you're swimming in baby piss. Oh, and don't forget Ava's dance tonight, please be clean," his mother yelled after him. Jax nodded his head and kissed his wife goodbye. Jax started his engine up and rode up to the warehouse where the guys were putting together their new shipment boxes. Once he arrived everyone was assembling all the parts.

"Look at my happy, little elves," Clay joked once they entered the room.

"They look great. How do they hold?" he questioned Opie who had almost a full crate done.

"Hold between ten and sixteen, depending on the gun. The weight matches the car parts."

"Chibs got the specs from the Irish," Bobby added.

"Where is he?" Jax asked noticing the missing Scotsman.

"Don't ask," Phil said as he walked by carrying a plank.

Tig answered, "Bathroom. Working sh** out."

"Literally. All that processed food," Juice made a face.

Chibs finally entered the room groaning in agony, "Sh**, you alright man?"

"Something didn't settle right. Cheap Mexican food," he said fighting another bowel movement.

"Chasing burritos with Jack and James probably didn't help," Bobby added.

"Juicy, you're gonna hit me up?" Chibs said.

"Green tea and a mint colonic. A little herbal fusion," Juice beamed.

"Stop, stop, stop. Stop," Tig pleaded to not any further discussion on clear passages.

"Before we clear any passages, let's just get these crates built. Bobby, you're with me. Wahewa," Clay ordered.

Jax leaned over to Opie, "have you talked to Mila?"

Opie sighed looking at his childhood friend, "she won't ever go for it. Her Aunt overdosed on coke last year."

Jax ran his hands through his short blonde hair, "what if I could get Nelly on board?"

Opie scoffed, "you would get Ella to agree to transport coke. Yeah, good luck with that."

"Dude, all we gotta do is make sure it never blows back on her. If I can convince her of that, it should be fine."

"It's not just about that, what if this blows up in our faces? Ella is going to be seeing the worst-case scenario. That's either you go to jail or Galindo retaliates, and those two options are enough for her to say no."

"She doesn't care about me either way, so what's the issue?"

Opie smacked down his hammer, "yeah, but she does care if Ava has to watch her dad get arrested, or worse end up as the price for your retaliation."

"That ain't going to happen, dude."

"Fine, convince her of that, and maybe she'll be on board. But you were married to her, you know how she is."

Jax huffed at Opie's words, he didn't want to tell him that he was planning on leaving after this deal. Opie would have his head, but it would be hard to convince Nelly on saying yes. She was stubborn and a pessimist, she could never see the good in this.

Jax's phone buzzed in his pocket and he answered it to hear a distressed Miles. Apparently, the ammo truck had been taken. Jax slapped his phone shut which earned a look from Opie.

"What's going on?"

"That was Miles. Some kind of hiccup with the guns," Jax informed while he threw on his cut.

"Should I call Clay?" Tig asked.

"No, him and Bobby need some quality time. Stay here get the other prospects to help finish these up. Take care of him," he said patting Chib's shoulder. He was sprawled across the table with his hand between his knees.

"You're with us," he motioned toward Phil, "follow in the van. Let's go."

"I'm going with," Tig said grabbing his jacket.

"Clay wanted you to stay here."

"I'm not going to be his little ammo b****. I'm not gonna do it. If there's a problem with those guns I should be there."

Jax observed Tig and realized there was no use fighting the Trager on this one, "All right, Tiggy."

Authors note: I pulled most of the dialogue from Season 4 Episode 3: Dorylus

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