Chapter 3.

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"Mommy, hurry we're going to be late!" Ava ran around the house as she tried to carry my purse. I watched in amusement as the large bag almost brought my little girl down to her knees. She was so excited when I told her we were going to see Ellie and Kenny she practically ran me over. She loved Charming, much to my distaste. No one in Samcro has seen her, I always try to go as undetected as possible.

It was harder to meet up with the kids when Mary skipped town, but I had managed to finally talk to Opie. He was surprised to hear me and I knew he wanted to tell Jax, they were like brothers. But considering how close Donna and I were, he agreed to keep my arrangement with the kids going. I started to bring my friend Mila along on my trips to Charming, and I could tell Opie had taken a liking to her.

She eventually started to go see him by herself, and before I knew it she was sending me a wedding invitation. I can't say I was surprised, watching her relationship with Ope blossom was so eye-opening. They shared everything with each other, I was a bit nervous when she asked me if she could mention that she worked for me. But she swore Ope would never rat to Samcro, and she was my friend so I trusted her. So, far I hadn't heard any motorcycles outside my home, so I assumed Ope kept his mouth shut. Can't really understand how he could keep a secret like that from Jax, but maybe things had changed since I left.

"Baby, I'm coming as fast as I can," I made sure to pace myself as I walked slowly to my car. Ava climbed into the backseat and set herself up in her booster chair. She knew how I was only making her sweat, and she gave me the infamous Teller look. I could have burst into laughter, but instead, I decided to amuse my child and just drive.

We did our usual song and dance on the way to Charming before I reached Opie's house to pick up Ellie and Kenny. Mila was outside with the kids and we all hopped in to go get our usual lunch.

"Aunt Ell, Mila still hasn't decided on her dress!" Ellie giggled in the booth.

My mouth dropped, "you don't have a dress! Why didn't you tell me?"

Mila nudged Ellie playfully, "I didn't want you freaking out, I know how you get. Besides, I have my eye on one at Rita's on Sam Hill road."

"No way, we are going to go right away!" I argued.

"As much as I love a good talk about dresses. I would really like to finish my burger before I'm tortured with your girl stuff," Kenny pleaded.

Mila laughed at her future son, "no problem Kenny, dress talk on hold."

After lunch, we went over to Rita's and found the dress that Mila was obsessed with. It was a simple silk dress, that gave her back a lot of lovin'. It showed off her new crow tattoo beautifully and her fresh Ellie and Kenny tattoo that was under the bird's feet.

"you look so pretty Mimi!" Ava clapped in glee and begged Mila to get a crown for the dress. We bought the dress and once we were on our way out, I saw Opie parked outside the shop. He was alone, of course.

He greeted Mila with a sweet kiss and hugged me lightly. I placed Mila's wedding dress in my car as we took a walk down the street. We let the kids walk ahead of us as I chatted with the lovebirds.

"How long you in town for this time Ell? Opie asked.

"I don't know, maybe for just a bit."

"Ever plan on coming back?" he questioned further. I inhaled deeply and cocked my head at Opie. I knew what he was doing. I knew that he knew my father wanted to intertwine with the Sons, and I didn't need to be lectured any further on Ava.


"No need to explain Ell, I get it, I just want you to know that Samcro has your back."

I snorted, "did they ever."

"Alright, enough club talk we are here for a wedding people, not a funeral," Mila interjected.

"Oof, then maybe my bridesmaid dress shouldn't have been black," Opie and I laughed as Mila argued about how black was a shade, and it wasn't only meant for funerals. We continued to talk and just enjoy our surroundings and then Opie asked us to go see the reservation.

I complied seeing that I was the maid of honor and took the kids and Mila up to the wedding site, while Opie trailed on his bike. Once we pulled into the reservation I saw a row of bikes lined up on the side. I held tightly to the wheel and took a deep breath.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Mila asked quietly.

"Don't be silly, what kind of maid of honor would I be if I didn't come to the wedding," I smiled softly at her as I climbed out of the SUV. I ignored the stares as I opened the backseat to let the kids out. Mila hooked her arm with mine and she practically dragged me to every little design and detail that she had orchestrated.

I tried to listen to her, but my heart was beating so loud that I felt faint. I could feel Samcro's eyes on me, each member blinking twice to see if I was real. Gemma climbed off her thrown and made her way towards me, "never thought I'd see you again."

"Pity," I said sarcastically.

She was going to say something else until Ava ran up to me holding a flower in her hand. "Look, Mommy, it's a pretty flower," she held it up so I could see it as her small fingers pointed to the details. "That is really pretty, thank you, honey." She placed the flower in my hand before turning her attention to Gemma and saying a quick "hi" before running off to Ellie and Kenny.

Gemma stared at me for a moment, and for the first time in her life, she was silent. She turned her head around to stare at Ava once more before she turned her eyes back to me. I could tell she was trying to process everything in her mind, probably running out of storage in that head of hers.

"Something bothering you Gem?" I said with an innocent smile. That was all the confirmation she needed, she looked like she wanted to unleash a world of hurt on me, but she had no idea who I was or what I was capable of. Before she could think of what to say, I heard the familiar sound of his engine. I turned my head to see Ava being held back by Ellie, while Jax greeted the child unknowingly.

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