Chapter 14. Yesterday's News

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I woke up to feel Jax's side of the bed empty. It was still a bit warm so that told me that he only just got up. I stretched from my slumber and threw on my robe. I figured I'd get a head start on the day and make myself a cup of coffee. I walked past Thomas's room to see a lamp dimly lit. Jax was sitting on the rocking chair jotting words down in his notepad.

"Morning'," I leaned on the doorframe as his blue eyes met mine. He let out a breath and a smile lit up his face, "morning'."

"What are you writing?" I walked into the room to get a closer look. He seemed hesitant to say anything, "just jotting' somethings down."

"What kinds of things?" I questioned further. He fell silent and looked a little embarrassed. Then it donned on me, "my bada** biker's journaling?" a teasing smile played on my lips. I could tell I had struck a nerve as he immediately got up from the chair and kissed me goodbye. I watched as he walked back into our shared room to grab his belongings. I rolled my eyes, even with what we've been through there were parts of him he refused to let me into.

I couldn't help but let my mind wander to what his marriage must have been like with Noella. Was he this closed off with her as well, or did he let her into the most intimate parts of himself? I also wondered if my relationship was anything like JT's, and if it were, was I Maureen or Gemma?

"T?" I turned around to see Jax call me, "can you take Ava to daycare with the boys this morning?" I automatically rolled my eyes at the request and he took notice. "Look, I would have done it but Clay needs me this morning, so I'm going to need you to do this. Build that trust with her...please?"

I inhaled inwardly and he let out a silent thank you. I finally heard the door close and I knew he was gone. I wanted nothing to do with Noella or her secret daughter with Jax. Her presence was infringing on my family and unlike Wendy, she was of sound body and mind. Women like her don't just go away, and they certainly will not be threatened to leave. Upon meeting Noella, I noticed that she was the only woman that Gemma didn't have power over. She didn't seem like she was scared of Gemma or even respected her, she walked with status and authority that didn't go unnoticed.

There was a part of me that was a bit intimidated, she always looked at me as if I was beneath her and I was going to confront her about it. I wasn't some croweater or junkie like Wendy, I was a surgeon and a well-respected one at that. Someone like her had no right to feel superior to me, she was just some biker whore that inherited more than she could chew.

I made sure to haul the boys into the car and make my way to her home. I hated that she lived so close by, I also hated that managed to buy one of the loveliest houses on the street. It was a two-story home with a picket white fence and a spacious backyard. It was much too big for a single mom of one.

"I'll be right back guys," I looked in the backseat to see the boys still yawning. It was still early in the morning and they were still so tired. I walked over to the door and knocked, Noella answered it wearing a royal blue skirt suit. Her hair was pinned up on the side as big soft curls were let loose on her head. One of her eyebrows shot up when she noticed I wasn't Jax, "you're taking the kids this morning?"

"Were you expecting someone else?"

"Yeah, the man who told me he would personally send Ava off on her first day," she scoffed and shook her head. She walked away from the door but left it open so that I could walk in. She walked into the kitchen to zip up a Daisy Duck lunchbox that I assumed belonged to Ava. I scanned the living room, it seemed modern, fresh, and open. The pictures that adorned the living room were the only thing keeping the house from looking like it belonged in a catalog.

I took notice of all the pictures she put out, especially the ones of her and Jax. They looked so young and carefree in the photos, and Jax's happiness resembled how he was when we were kids. A small open box was left on the couch and I peered inside to see the picture of Noella and Wendy. My eyebrows furrowed as I saw the two women standing from stomach to stomach with two goofy smiles on their faces. I picked up the photo and brought it to her attention, "what happened to not bumping bellies with Wendy?"

She looked up and took notice of the picture in my hand, "naw, Wendy came to visit me that day and we made amends. It's a funny picture when you think about it. Don't worry, Ava hasn't seen it so you're good."

"What's the point of all the pictures?" I was obviously speaking about the ones with Jackson.

She looked at me and I could see her roll her eyes, "what's your deal this morning?"

"I don't have a 'deal' I just think it's weird that my fiancé's ex is holding on to the past."

She snorted, "if that's what you tell yourself in the morning, I'm not going to judge you. I do think it's hilarious that the well sought out surgeon is fighting for a man who belongs to a life that she can't stand."

"You don't know anything about me or my family. You're just yesterday's news who's being used as leverage. I feel sorry for you really, must suck knowing he doesn't want anything to do with you."

"Okay Gemma, if you're done telling me the lines you rehearsed in the bathroom this morning that would be great," she walked past me and picked up the ring that sat on her dining room table. She slid it on her finger and handed me Ava's backpack, "please be careful with my child because I am very unforgiving when it comes to her."

I wanted to say more to her, put her in her place. But she was clearly unphased by my words earlier. Suddenly, Ava appeared from her room with a cute romper on. Her mother bent down next to her and Noella planted sweet kisses on her face as they mumbled sweet nothings to each other. Ava was shy next to me as I took hold of her hand to lead her to the car. Noella followed up with Ava's car seat in tow and buckled her in herself.

Once she closed the door she walked over to where I stood. She looked over at the kids who began to talk to each other in the car and leaned close to my ear. "I get you don't know me very well so maybe that's why you felt so bold this morning, but I'll warn you that if you ever step to me like that again you better be prepared to duck afterward." She was then facing to face with me, "oh and doctor when that child steps in your car, you better be prepared to protect her with your life. Or I will take what is left of yours." 

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