Chapter 35. Two Can Play That Game

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"Wait, he kissed you?" Mila said on the other line. I was currently trying to squeeze myself in a pair of leather pants, so all I could do was grunt. Today was my first girl's night out in what felt like forever, or at least since I moved back to this town. The kids were Jax's tonight and I fully intended to take advantage of it. Once I had figured out my top, I was finally able to piece my outfit together.

I looked hot, maybe a little too hot for this town. My curls were out, my heels were high, and I was determined to have a good time. "Are you outside yet?" I asked Mila hoping that she was so that I could avoid Jax. Ever since that kiss, he thought he had a one-up on me, but it was going to take a lot more than Teller lips to get me back with him. I don't care how many potential guys he scared off, there had to be one who was willing to risk their lives.

"Yeah, I'm pulling up now. I feel so scandalous," I could hear Mila burst into a fit of giggles on the other line. Mila had sent me countless pictures of her outfit for the night, she was wearing sequined shorts with her favorite black heels. She always complained that she didn't get to wear them as often since she got married, so I knew they would be her first choice for tonight.

"How are you going to make it out of the house?" Mila asked.

I stared at my phone in confusion, "what are you talking about? I'm going to walk out the door I paid for!"

"What about Jax?" I laughed at her question and resisted the urge to ask her if she was serious. "Jax is not my father, I can do whatever I please. I am a grown woman." Mila gave an okay that sounded a bit sarcastic, but I chose to brush off her ridiculousness. I told her I would meet her outside before grabbing my jacket off the chair. I could hear the TV blaring cartoons, so I knew that Jax was in the living room with the kids.

I opened the door and walked with confidence to the living room. Ava's mouth dropped when she saw me, "you look so pretty, mommy!" I twirled at her compliment while Jax remained silent. I could feel his eyes running around my whole body, but like Mila, I chose to ignore him. I gave all the kids kisses on their heads before whispering in Jax's ear, "don't wait up honey," with a mocking tone. I saw his jaw tighten and that sent my excitement through the roof. I knew I looked good, but it felt awesome to know that he knew it too.

I jumped in Mila's car and we were off to every hot bar in Charming. We were singing songs in the car, we hyped ourselves up in the parking lot, and I fully intended to dance my a** off tonight.

The first place was called Krusty's, it was a local club that everyone in Charming went to. We started with that one first just to get a feel for the night. Oddly enough when we got there no one seemed to want to interact with us. And by no one, I mean the men. Not one compliment the whole night, which was strange considering that these were the same men who ogled me when I shopped for bed sheets.

Mila and I decided to ditch the club early and go off to the next. I mean it had to be better considering that the owner had a reputation for getting fines for the noise. Poizon was a new club on the scene, and everyone was still getting a feel for it. However, when I saw a crowded parking lot, I got some of my from earlier hope back. But just like Krusty's, every man in the building were mosquitoes, but we were the repellant. I started to feel like there was something going on as I downed a shot of tequila, but then Mila suggested we try one last club before I went into my Nancy Drew mode.

I tried to keep a good attitude as we walked into club Double X. It was an X away from being a scene for croweaters, but I was desperate for a good time. But just like clubs 1 and 2, we were outcasted. I got so annoyed that I just decided that I was going to grab a drink and head home. Until I asked the female bartender a question, "are we hot to you?" she looked Mila and me up and down before biting her pierced lip. "Yeah, you guys are."

"Then what's the deal tonight? I feel like I'm the last, cold piece of bread," Mila admitted. She didn't need male attention, but she certainly didn't put on six inches of black death on her feet not to receive a compliment on her legs.

The bartender started to laugh, "sorry doll, these men have been given strict orders to stay away."

"By who?" I said slamming down my shot glass.

"By who else? You guys didn't think your husbands would actually let you guys go out problem tonight did you?" she gestured over to Chucky sitting in the corner with a hoodie on. I hadn't noticed him all night, but those freakish hands were hard to miss. I was furious as I marched over to him and grabbed him by his collar.

"Chucky what are you doing here! Who sent you?!" I barked over the loud music. Chucky had a look of fear in his eyes but instead of cracking he acted obliviously, "hi Noella, fancy seeing you here." I groaned and let go of Jax's little stalker. I ended up leaving him there and left the club with Mila.

"I can't believe those two, can't let us breathe for one night," she shook her head in true mom fashion. "Oh no, we are not going to let them get away with this, pull into the nearest store!" She drove into the nearest Walgreens per my request, and I marched straight to the men's cologne aisle. There wasn't much of a selection, but I wasn't aiming to be picky.

Mila watched me with a horrified expression as I went through every single sample. I offered her some but then she laughed nervously, "no thanks, I'd rather not have to bail Opie out of jail tonight."

"Suit yourself," I said as I walked out of the store feeling mischievous. If Jax wanted to play dirty, then so can I.

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