Chapter 20.

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I walked around my house as I went through the last of my moving boxes. I had put Ava down for her nap after I picked her up from daycare and took my alone time as an opportunity to declutter. Placing everything around my house in its rightful place and placing other memorabilia where no one small and sticky could get to them. I was just about to finish up when I heard a knock on the door.

I was curious as to who it was, considering there was broad daylight outside, I didn't want to be too alarmed. I walked over to the door to open it, while simultaneously grabbing the bat that was next to my door. I opened the door just enough to see Barry St. Vincent standing at my doorway. My eyebrows shot up in surprise as I opened the door further for the old man.

Barry was one of the firsts of the Alchemists, he was more than a mentor to me. He felt like a father. Unlike the rest of the Alchemists, Barry wasn't good with money, living on the fair-weather wages of a biker was all he knew to do. He was a proud member of the Alchemists, and he still wore his leather with great pride. While the rest of the guys traded their leather for expensive suits and "lady-catching" rides.

Barry walked right past me into the house without so much as a hello. I could tell he was angry from how his hair was in a nest on his head and how he paced around my living room. "Is something bothering you, Bear?" I asked.

"When was anyone going to tell me that we were patching to SAMCRO?" he snapped. I gave him a look and gestured towards Ava's room down the hallway. I grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the sliding door that led to the backyard. Once we were out of hearing distance I answered him.

"Bear, you knew we were going to join with Samcro. My dad has wanted to honor JT's wishes for a long time; it was only a matter of time before we actually did it."

"Yeah, I know your dad wanted to honor JT, but lying-in bed with SAMCRO will only set us back! Clay Morrow is an unhinged liar, you of all people should know what the Teller's represent. I expected more from you!" he spat.

I could feel my face heat up with anger. Barry was the one who told me about my mother's death, and for him to stand here and insinuate that I would dishonor her in any way made me burn with rage. "Barry," my voice shook, "you have no right to talk to me that way."

I could see his demeanor change at the tone of my voice. But instead of backing down, he pressed further, "they are dealing with the Galindo cartel, Noella! You know as much as I do that it only goes down from here. You are setting us all back by decades. The Alchemists are above this-"

"The Alchemists are dying! Look around you Barry, our charters are dying, most of our territories are being occupied by a damn plant! While most of my members are living on a yacht, and I can't seem to get a damn patch if I put a sign on the street!"

We were face to face now, Barry didn't say anything. I could see in his eyes that this Club was his old lady. But she hasn't had a patch-in since I took over, we weren't doing anything dangerous anymore. Most days were boring and the runs were a joke. No one wanted to get patched into a life of early retirement. I knew this full well, and I know Barry knew this too.

"Fine, if you want to get in bed with Samcro be my guest, but leave me out of it," he stripped himself of his leather before dropping it at my feet. I can't say his departure didn't hurt me; I've known Barry for so long.

"Hi, Uncle Barry," Ava had gotten up from her nap and slid the sliding door open. She was still rubbing her eyes to wake up from her nap. Barry didn't say anything to Ava but then leaned into my ear. "Just know I won't be around for a second time to see a burning old lady," I felt my mouth open from shock. But he walked away from me and out of the backyard. I tried to hold back my tears and picked up the vest from the ground.

Sergeant-At Arms, I shook my head at his ranking and went to direct Ava back into the house. This whole transition to Samcro was giving me a headache. Losing members and funds was expected, but I didn't factor in how it would all feel.

I let Ava nestle her small body into me as she was still tired from her nap. I was prepared to lay there all day and try to forget about Barry's words and how deeply they hurt. However, my phone began to buzz on my coffee table. I groaned inwardly hoping it wasn't my father, I didn't need him going a-wall over what Barry had told me.

Surprisingly there was a caller ID coming from Charming Hospital. "Hello?" I said unsure of who I was going to hear on the other line. "Hey Darlin," I could hear Piney's rough voice on the other line. I was confused as to why he was calling me, especially from the hospital.

"Hey Piney, what's going on?"

"I'm at the hospital, I need you to stop by. There is something I need to give you, but I need you to come here now."


"Please Ella, don't make me beg you," his voice went quiet. I rolled my eyes before I agreed to go to the hospital. I didn't want to risk missing visiting hours, so I changed my clothes and went there immediately.

I can't tell you I didn't regret it as I flounced through the ice-cold hallways of the hospital. Ava was holding on to me for dear life as I charged around every corner looking for Piney's room. I can't say I wasn't regretting it as a small group of nurses started to whisper once they saw me. I wanted to turn around and tell them off, but then I nearly bumped into Tara walking out of Piney's room.

"What are you doing here?" she questioned.

"Seems like I'm seeing the same person you are," I plastered a fake smile at her as she glowered at me.

"Hi Ava," she welcomed the toddler, but Ava only gave a small wave in response. I had no time for temper tantrum Tara, so I walked past her and into Piney's room. He was laying in his bed with his glasses on as he filed through some paperwork. He looked up to see me but displayed no expression on his face.

"Are you going to tell me why I'm here?" I questioned as I placed Ava down at the edge of the bed. Without a word, he threw a big yellow envelope towards me. I didn't bother opening it, but only looked at him while waving it in my hand.

"You need to read those letters, those will help you move in the right direction," he said.

"Who do the letters belong to Piney?" I said aggravated.

"JT, they will tell you everything you need to know."

I threw the envelope back, "I know everything I need to know about that man."

"Ella, these are important, the Sons are moving towards a very dangerous path, we have to stop it by any means necessary," he argued.

"Oh, I know everything about "any means necessary" seems like I'm the only one who's been doing that while Clay runs this club to the ground. I lost a loyal member today, someone, who practically helped raise me. And for what? A dead man's dream and a club that is incapable of making any sound decision."

Piney looked at me for a moment with a hard stare, he said nothing further as he handed the letters back to me. He knew I was hurting and that my response was the effect of what I was going through.

I shook my head once I realized the old man was determined for me to read these letters. I peered inside the envelope to see copies. My eyebrows shot up in surprise and I gave Piney a dumbfounded look.

"Tara has the originals," I nodded my head and said nothing further pertaining to Dr. Knowles. If she wanted to be the groundskeeper for information that could potentially be life-threatening, then so be it. 

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