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He's been gone almost the entire day at this point. I seriously can't believe he's just gone off like that, leaving me here alone worrying like this after everything that happened.

I did think about following him in my car, but I won't give him the satisfaction of thinking that I actually care.

Okay, maybe I do care a little, but so what? It's not like he really gives a crap about me anyway. I don't even know what I'm supposed to have done wrong?


It's around 2am when I'm woken up by a loud crashing noises coming from downstairs, but whereas I'd normally go down there all guns blazing, I'm now more hesitant.

I can quickly smell Conan's scent, so he must've come back. I go down only to find him and I really wish I hadn't done when I see him standing there.

He's definitely drunk.

"What are you doing?" I ask when I see him rummaging around in the fridge.

"I'm hungry" he grunts.

"Go get yourself a glass of water and I'll make you something to eat".

"I don't need your damn help" he slurs.

"That's why you disappeared 17 hours ago and came back completely wasted then? To prove you don't need anybody's help, and you obviously don't need me, right?"


I storm about half way up the stairs before deciding to go back down and confront his drunken ass. I was done with being a punching bag for his childish mood swings.

"You know what, Conan, the next time we're in a life or death situation, just do us both a huge favour and leave me there to die. God knows it would be better than sticking around here and having your miserable ass for company".

"And I'm assuming that as a spoiled little princess, you're always used to getting what you want, yeah?"

"That's right. Let me tell you something, I'd be that any day rather then some jerk with serious daddy issues like you".

"So that's what you really think of me, huh?"

"Who cares? You don't need my opinion, right? Mr Big Bad Wolf doesn't wanna babysit the stray, remember?"

"I came here for my mom, not for you".

"Don't pretend like you actually wanted to come back here in the first place" I reply sarcastically.

"Well we both know you only got dumped here because nobody else wanted the sad, little orphan girl around".

That cut deep and judging by the look of regret that he has right now, he knows he went too far that time.

"Thanks for the reminder" I reply quietly on my way back up to my room, knowing he'll hear me say it.

Why did it hurt me so much? Maybe because he's just stating facts and that hurts far worse than some regular insult? I hate him so much right now.


After having no sleep at all for the rest of the night, I have to drag myself out of bed the next morning. I just sit there in thinking about what he said.

Conan had built me up so much in the short time I'd known him, made me feel capable of so much more, somehow he'd given me the strength to think I could be better.

Yet in one drunken sentence, he'd managed to bring me crashing back down to the cruel reality of my past that I'd foolishly opened up to him about.

I had to get out of here and away from him. Everyone would be better off without me anyway.

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