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It's about fifteen minutes of running until I get near the campsite, where I find the men already gathered around a small fire, drinking and laughing amongst themselves.

I'd already made sure that I looked as disheveled as possible, clothes torn and dirty looking, like I'd been running through the forest alone for hours.

Time to put Conan's plan to into action.

"Please, somebody help me!" I call out and draw their attention to me.

"What happened?" one of them asks when he stands up.

"Please, we have to get out of here before it finds us!" I cry hysterically.

"Before what finds us?" another asks me.

"The beast! I was out here hiking all alone and I got so lost. That's when it found me".

"And what does this beast look like?" one of them chuckles like he doesn't believe me.

"It's a monster, huge like a bear with black fur and blood red eyes. It tried to kill me and it's been chasing me all day".

"So it's a bear?"

"No, you're not listening to me! It's not a bear, it's a monster!".

The idiots all start laughing, but boy do they soon regret it when just seconds later, Conan's roar echoes through the trees like it did the day I first met him.

Even though I've gotten to know him a little better, that bloodcurdling sound still manages to send shivers down my spine.

"What the fuck was that?"

"Do any of you have a gun?" I ask just to make sure before he comes out.

"No, we didn't come out here to hunt" another man replies shakily.

Conan is close by, his low rumbling growl causes one of the men to literally wet himself and I have to try hard not to laugh.

"Let's get out of here!"

"Where is it?"

"Over there!"

Conan casually circles the camp, only slightly visible through the trees, but his incredible size is obvious.

"Run, quick!" I yell.

We all set off running together, with me pathetically faking a limp to pretend I can't keep up with them because I'm too tired and injured.

"Come on!" only one of the men seems bothered to notice that I'm lagging behind.

"Just go on without me".

My judgment was clearly misplaced in him because the second Conan jumps out, tackles me to the ground, and lands on top of me, he runs off and leaves me there.

I pretend to be terrified, screaming long after all six of the men disappear from view. With one final roar from Conan, I stop screaming all together to convince them I'm probably dead.

"Do you think they bought it?" I ask and he nods his head.

Looking down at my clothes, they're now completely ruined and I'm upset because I really liked this shirt. I can't help but laugh when Conan lifts his leg up and pisses on their fire to put it out when we pass it.

"Classy, Conan" I laugh at him.


It's a couple of hours later, back at the cabin, that there's a loud knock on the front door. We both already knew that a car had pulled up outside a minute ago.

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