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Ambrose arrives early the next morning, along with two other male pack members that stay by the door. Claire and her grandparents are immediately instructed to give us some privacy so he can talk to me.


After the restless night before, I'm too exhausted to even acknowledge that he's here at first.

"Ren, have you remembered anything else since last night?"

I shake my head and he sighs.

"It's probably for the best" he tells me.

He helps remove my bandages and sees that the wound is completely healed already.

"Where's my mom and dad?" I finally ask.

I still have the slightest hint of hope that they might be okay, but I can immediately tell by the look on his face that they're not.

"They're gone, Ren. I'm so sorry".

Tears begin to flow from my tired eyes at the realisation that I'll never see them, or hear their voices ever again.

I desperately try to remember what the last thing I said to them was before I went to bed last night, but it must have been so meaningless that I can't think what it was.

"We tracked the scent of the men that did this and we found them".

At least that's something, even if it won't bring them back, at least they'll have to answer for what they did.

"We found the three of them out by the river. What was left of them anyway".

What? They were dead?

"Your scent was all over the bodies, Ren. We think you must've shifted in grief and hunted them all down".

It all makes sense now, the flashes of red and the bullet wound in my shoulder. I'm a murderer.

"I killed them, didn't I?"

"It's not your fault. You're still young and can't control the wolf yet".

"There were four men" I say as I recall the events before I blacked out.


"That's how many men were outside our house last night. They were messing with my car".

He gives the other two men that came with him a look and they leave the house straight away.

"We'll find him, don't worry".

"But what if he tells people what he saw? Mom and dad shifted right in front of them".

"I know, and I can only hope that one day you'll understand what I had to do".

"What did you do?"

"I had to take your parents bodies and bury them deep in the woods. Humans can never know about us and if there's even the slightest chance that any one of the men told somebody what they saw, then we couldn't risk leaving any evidence for the police to find".

"You buried them?" I ask angrily.

They were my goddamn parents, he had no right!

"I'm sorry".

I'm not sure who I'm more angry at. Him for burying my parents and covering up their murder, or at myself for not being able to do anything to protect them.

"So what happens now?"

"There will be a pack meeting tonight to decide on the best course of action".

"For what?"

"Ren, you killed three humans and that means there will be three missing persons reports. No matter how young a wolf you are, there must be a judgement".

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