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Conan POV

I've already tried ten different places already, and nowhere seems to be hiring at the minute. Although I'm happy when I see Daniel wearing his uniform, standing near his squad car.

I'm pretty sure I would make a decent cop, but that would take too long, and I don't have that kind of time frame because I'm flat broke right now.

"Hey, Daniel".

"Oh, hey. You back in town visiting again?"

"Staying this time. I got back yesterday".

"That's great. Your mom's okay though, she's not sick again, is she?"

"No, she's good. Listen, do you know if there's any decent jobs going around here? I've been looking all morning, but I'm not having much luck".

"Now you mention it, my older brother Benny just opened up a new hardware store over on Oak Street. He did say last week that he was looking to hire somebody".

"That's great. You're a real life saver".

Just as I'm about to walk away, he says something that confuses me.

"Oh, I totally forgot, I actually saw your girlfriend earlier today".

"Yeah, she's here with me too".

"She was in her car with this dark haired woman?"

That must've been Lara she was with, but why would they be driving around together?

"That's just Lara, she's an old friend of mine that I used to work with".

"Is she single?"

"She is. Why, you interested?"

Of course he is, but that guy's never had any game when it came to the ladies. Lara would eat him alive.

"I wouldn't even know what to say to a woman that looks like that" he blushes nervously.

He's a good looking guy, but has zero self confidence. When girls would approach him back when we were in a band, he'd just get embarrassed.

"Start by maybe saying hi? Then just go on from there. My girls birthday is coming up and we're all gonna go out for drinks. You should come with?"

"Maybe I will".

"I'll let you know when and where, all you have to do is show up and be yourself. I'll see you later, and thanks for all the help, by the way".

"No problem".

About 15 minutes later, I reach the hardware store, and it's a lot bigger then I thought it was gonna be. There's not many people inside though.

"Hey, you're Daniel's brother Benny, right?" I ask the man behind the counter.

"That's me" he says without looking because he's writing something down.

"Daniel mentioned that you might have a job going here? I don't know if you'll remember me. My name's Conan".

"Oh yeah...Jeeezus!" he finally looks up and sees me towering over him.

"Excuse me?" I laugh.

"Sorry about that, I just remember you being a lot...smaller?"

"Just a late bloomer, I guess".

That always did freak people out, that I miraculously grew 7 inches taller after high school, but I lied and said it was down to my bad posture.

"You said you were looking for a job?"

"Yeah. I've just recently moved back to town and I'm willing to do anything".

"Do you have any previous retail experience, or ever worked in a hardware store before?"

"Not really, but I'm a fast learner. I used to do all the repairs at my mom's cabin, so I definitely know my tools".

"What's your mom's name again?"

"Carol Hart. She's the local vet".

"Of course! You know, a couple of years back she saved my dogs life after he got hit by a car outside of my house".

"She's the best".

"Tell you what, I'll start you on a weeks paid trial starting tomorrow and we'll take it from there".

That's a huge weight off my mind. I've been going out of my mind, hoping I'd be able to afford to get Ren something nice in time for her birthday.

Not long after leaving the hardware store, I call to see mom at work because she did say we could meet up for lunch today.

"Hey, mom. Guess what?"


"I got a job at the new hardware store. I start tomorrow".

"That's great. You're really putting down roots, huh?"

"Yeah and I might have dropped your name into the conversation. Apparently you saved the life of the owner's dog, so I really have you to thank for it".

"Then you're very welcome".

"Daniel said he thought he saw Ren with Lara earlier today. What do you think they're up to?"

"I don't know what you mean?" she smirks, but her heartbeat gives away the fact she's lying about something.


"Urgh, okay you got me. Ren did mention something about maybe getting a tattoo at some point before her birthday".


"Calm down, Conan. It's not even that big of a deal. I mean, just look at all of yours".

It is definitely a big deal. A tattoo is a permanent thing and I got mine when I was a lot older then she is now.

"What if she got something huge and ridiculous that's she's gonna regret later?"

"She's a sensible young woman. Do you really think she would do something like that?"

Mom's right, as always. I do trust Ren, so even if she does get something big, then it's not my place to judge her for it when it's her body anyway.

"No, she wouldn't".

My only concern is that Lara is a little more wild, and a natural born risk taker. Still, I doubt she would ever try and talk Ren into getting something she didn't want.

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