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It's now only three days until my birthday. Me, Carol and Lara decided to go into town shopping today for something to wear when we go out on my 21st.

I want to look more grown up and have an actual style. I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl normally, but I wasn't going to be a young girl anymore.

I was officially going to be a woman, in more ways than one, that's unless Conan backs out of the deal. I was equal parts nervous and excited for that part of the night.

In my heart, I know that he's going to plan something special and romantic, because he wouldn't want our first time to be anything less than perfect.

What he doesn't seem to realise, is that we could make love just about anywhere, and to me it would be perfect just as long as we're together.

"I think you would look hot in this" Lara says, holding up a plain burgundy skater dress.

It's different, and I definitely wouldn't have chosen something like that for myself if I was left to my own devices.

"It nice, but it needs something else?" Carol adds and then proceeds to wander off around the store.


"I like it, but is it really me though?"

"It could be the new you. Being able to reinvent yourself and becoming the best version of you is one of the best parts of growing up. I mean, do I look like a church girl anymore to you?"

"Not really" I laugh.

Carol comes back over with a black leather jacket and some black boots, then quickly ushers me into one of the many changing rooms for me to try on the full outfit.

"Well?" she calls out after waiting impatiently for a few minutes.

I step out, and I swear I hear one of them gasp like I was trying on a wedding dress or something. Looking over to one of the mirrors, I think I can pull this look off.

"You look great" Lara smiles.

"So beautiful" Carol adds.

"You should wear your hair down, it'll look perfect".

I don't have hair like my mom's was, it's not naturally thick and wavy. My hairs always been kind of long, thin and straight.

"Actually, do you think I should get my hair done?"

"You wanna cut it?"

"Sure, why not? I've never really tried any other style, so maybe it's time for something different".

Not that I don't like having this long hair, but it does make me look a little young and innocent. I may as well have pigtails and bows in it.

"Let's pay for these and go to the salon then".


Conan POV

Work was...interesting?

My new boss Benny keeps continually commenting on how many female customers we're getting now that I work here, but he's welcome to them. I only have eyes for Ren.

I'm not against a little harmless flirting with some of the women that come in, if it helps make a profit so I get to keep this job at the end of the trial.

"Have a great day" I smile at one of the customers and put their receipt in the bag.

"Well you definitely have a natural rapport with customers".

"It helps that I grew around here, so I know a lot of them already".

"Daniel mentioned you've been working abroad for a few years. What did you do for work over there?"

"Private security mostly".

At my size, it's the job that makes the most sense and people don't usually ask that many questions.

"So why did you decide to come back?"

"Mom got sick a while ago, so I promised to be around more for her. My girlfriend lives around here too, so it just made sense".

"Honestly, I don't know how you did it. Most people usually dream of moving away from this town, and you came back".

"There's nothing wrong with living in a small town, as long as the people you love are here too".

"So why did you leave?"

"I was a dumb kid. Decided to go out into the world to 'find myself', or whatever".

"And did you?"

"No. I found myself the first day I came back here when this random girl kicked my ass".

"She sounds like a real firecracker" he laughs.

"What about you?"

"Me? I married my high school sweetheart Charlotte straight out of college. We're expecting our first baby in August".

"Congratulations" I give him a pat on the back.

I'd never given any thought to having kids of my own. The idea of passing on what we are onto some innocent baby seemed wrong, but lately my feelings on the subject had changed.

Ren's still young, but one day she'll make an amazing mom, and I would never deny her that opportunity. She deserves a life full of love and a family of her own.

I can only imagine having a baby and a future now if it's with her.

"Hi" I hear her voice suddenly and look up from the register.

"Wow! What did you do?"

She looks so different. Her hairstyle is a lot shorter, like really short compared to what it was before, but she looks great.

"Do you like it?"

"You look so beautiful".

She blushes and leans over the counter to kiss me. I could kiss her all day if she'd let me.

"Your shifts nearly over, right?"

"Five more minutes, I promise. So this is what you've been up to with mom and Lara today?"

"Yep, and not to get you too excited, but your mom dropped Lara back off at the motel. Then after that, your mom got called back into work. We've got the cabin all to ourselves for at least two hours".

My pants just got uncomfortably tight at the thought of that.

"What are you thinking, princess?"

"You'll just have to wait a little longer and find out for yourself".

My beautiful little tease.

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