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Today was the day we had both been waiting for. Carol was finally coming home today, and I was unintentionally doing my best impression of her by cleaning the cabin beyond all recognition.

"The place looks great, just chill out".

"I want the place to look perfect for her".

"She'll just be happy and grateful that we haven't burned the place down, or killed each other while she's been gone".

We'd already decided it was in both our best interests that we keep the whole 'attempted kidnap' situation to ourselves for now. At least while she's still recovering because the stress wouldn't be good for her.

Plus, if we told her the truth she'd likely tell Ambrose and he would definitely come out here. That's the last thing Conan wants right now.


I was weirdly nervous on the drive to the airport with Conan. It felt like Carol had been gone forever, and we'd been living alone together in a secluded bubble for two weeks.

"There she is!" I squeal excitedly.

The second she was close enough, I could smell her perfume. She didn't seem to have that same scent of sickness that she had before she left, which was a relief.

There was a man behind her, pushing her over to us in a wheelchair. I notice that she also seems to have that healthy glow back I had missed so much.

"Hi!" she smiles and reaches her arms up to pull us both down for a hug.

"You look good, mom".

"I feel good. So how have you two been?"

"You called us almost every day" he rolls his eyes, but I can tell he's happy she's there in person.

"It's not the same as actually talking to you though, is it?"

"We've really missed you" I tell her.

"I hope you two have been getting along while I've been gone?"

Me and Conan look at each other awkwardly for a second, neither of us knowing how to answer that question. Had we?

We argued more often than not, but we did get rid of those campers together as a team. He even comforted me when I had a nightmare when he didn't have to.

He came to my rescue when I was taken, and even went so far as to bury a dead body for me. This past two weeks really had been a rollercoaster of chaos.

"Like a house on fire" I joke and he smiles back at me.

"Yeah, she's not as bad as I thought" he seems sincere when he says that.

"Great. Now let's go get something to eat, I'm starving" Carol says, finally getting up out of the wheelchair with Conan's help.

Against my better judgement, and much to his surprise, I toss Conan my car keys when we get outside so he can drive. I figured he would want to sit next to his mom up front.

"Really?" he asks, completely stunned with the keys in his hand.

"Don't crash it, little wolf".

"I make no promises, princess".

I catch Carol smiling to herself after hearing our playful banter with each other, and even more when Conan get's in the driver's seat next to her.

About 15 minutes into our drive, Carol says something that neither of us were expecting, but it was hardly a surprise considering what happened the other day.

"So I spoke to Ambrose yesterday".

Conan's eyes immediately meet mine in the rearview mirror.

"And?" he questions her like he doesn't know what else to say.

"Why didn't you tell me that you'd spoken to him?"

"It was hardly much of a conversation".

"Since when do you keep secrets from me, Conan?"

"You'd know all about secrets, mom".

Well this is definitely not a conversation I want to be in the middle of. I'm practically sinking into my seat back here.

"I did what I thought was best for my son".

"I know you did, but that doesn't mean I have to forgive or talk about him. I didn't need a dad growing up, so I sure as shit don't need him in my life now either".

And here's me sat in the backseat, who'd be willing to give my right eye just to spend 5 more minutes with my dad.

"Can we go to Mario's?" I decide to distract them both and ease the tension in the car.

"Italian sounds good. Mom?"

"Just what the doctor ordered" she turns her head and smiles at me.

I'd say that's crisis averted, and I get food from my favourite place. Score!


"There's no way you're gonna eat all that!"

I couldn't believe how much food Conan had ordered, then I remember how much money it had cost me to feed him for the past two weeks.

"Try me" he laughs.

It's true that male werewolves consume a lot of extra calories, even my dad did, but Conan's appetite is something else. It's fascinating, yet strange to watch.

Me and Carol sit there quietly eating our pepperoni pizzas, while he manages to miraculously wolf down half the menu all by himself.

Lord help the woman that marries him one day. She'll probably have to spend half her day on her feet in the kitchen just to keep him happy and well fed.

"I'll be back in a sec".

After he excuses himself to go to the bathroom, Carol casually places her elbows on the table and with her hands together, she rests her chin on the back of her knuckles.


I'm confused.

"Soooo?" I ask back.

"You and Conan seem to be getting along".

"He's okay, I guess".

"Just okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Did anything happen between you two while I was away?"

"Ewww, Carol!"

"Oh, come on, Ren. I'm not blind".

"Carol, nothing happened. What even makes you think that it did?"

"You two are clearly sweet on each other. Being alone out there in the woods together like that was bound to bring you two closer".

"It did bring us closer together, just not in that way, alright?"

"If you say so" she smiles almost devilishly as Conan comes back to the table and notices something.

"Are you warm?"

"Not really, why?"

"Your cheeks are really red".

Oh god, why am I blushing?

"I'm fine".

What on Earth was she thinking? Nothing is ever going to happen between me and Conan, it can't. He'll be leaving soon and I'll be leaving in just a few short months.

Come to think of it, we'll probably never see each other again anyway once he's gone, unless we both happen to be visiting Carol here at the same time. Highly unlikely.

Why did the idea of that bother me so much?

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