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I don't think of myself as the jealous type necessarily, but having the man you have feelings for bringing his ex back home with him instead of a bunch of flowers, is kind of a kick in the lady balls.

Not to be a bitch about it, but even a heartfelt note would've been preferable to Conan bringing a Victoria's Secret model to my doorstep like it was totally fine.

I'm pretty sure he's the only man on the whole planet that could be that clueless.

"So you and Conan?" she tries make conversation with me as we walk deeper into the forest.

"I guess so".

I don't want to be the type of woman that get's hung up about this sort of thing. I'm sure she's perfectly nice, and Conan did say to me once before that he thought we'd get along.

"You know he hasn't stopped talking about you since he came back. I was kind of nervous to meet you".

"Why would you be nervous?"

"Because you're Ren Lance. Everybody knows who you are".

Conan sure as shit didn't when he first met me. I guess word travels slowly when your not in a regular werewolf pack. They'd of been completely out of the loop.

"So I keep hearing".

It's weird to have your name be known by people you've never met, but to still have absolutely no idea why everyone has such a boner for it.

"Did you guys manage to hash it out earlier? Are you two good again?"

"As good as can be expected".

She stops suddenly and I turn back towards her. I could tell she has something to say to me.

"I knew I shouldn't have come here with him. I'm totally in the way of things between you" she sighs.

"Then why did you come here?" I ask, and I know it might sound bitchy, but I was curious as to why he brought her here at all.

"It's hard to explain, but I swear I wouldn't be here right now if I had anywhere else to go".

"What about the pack?"

She was still there in Michigan with them the whole time when he came back before, so what made this time so different?

"We're actually not in the pack anymore".

I could've probably guessed that already by the fact that Conan is planning on staying, but if she isn't either, then there's more to this then I first thought.

"Why not?"

"Like I said, it's hard to explain, but there's probably something you should know".

"And what's that?"

"He gave up his place in the pack so he could come back to you. Our leader told him that he couldn't leave again, at least not for a long time".

He really abandoned his pack and disobeyed a direct order from his Alpha just to be here with me?

"Are you telling me the truth?"

"I definitely wouldn't joke about something like that".

Well now I feel pretty shitty for kicking him. Damn.

"So what about you? Why don't you have anywhere else to stay?" I try to make that question sound as nice as possible so I don't offend her.

"Oh, I don't have a family. Well, I kind of do, but I haven't seen them in a really long time".

"That sounds like a story I wanna hear".

"Okay. Here's a question, did you ever get that feeling when you were a kid that you didn't belong?"

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