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Just like he said he would yesterday, when he gets back from his morning run, we get to work on teaching me how to touch silver again. It's proving to be a lot harder then I thought.

"Fuck!" I scream before running my hand under cold water.

"You're such a big baby" he laughs in the background.

"It's not funny, Conan. That shit stings!"

"No, it doesn't" he replies calmly.

He grabs a towel and wraps it around some ice from the freezer before coming over.

"Come here, princess".

Holding my hand face up, he places it in my palm and holds it there. Super weird how he can be an absolute jerk one minute, then really gentle the next.

"Better, princess?"

"Yeah, thanks".

"Do you want to go for a run later?"

"Sounds good".


I struggle to keep up with him. My paw is still sore from burning my hand earlier today, but I'm nothing if not determined. We're soon further away from the cabin then I'd ever been, other than the night I hurt Claire.

"Have you ever been out here before?" he asks.

You can see just how vast the forest truly is from up on this rocky ledge that overlooks everything.

"No, but it's beautiful up here".

I could happily stay up here forever.

"I used to come up here all the time when I was younger".

"After you became a wolf?"


"Are you ever going to tell me why you left?"

He's stunned into silence. Maybe he feels guilty for leaving him mom alone for all those years?

"I just had to".

"That's not really an answer".

"Well it's the only one you're getting. So what about you? Maybe I'll tell you why one day, if you tell me why Ambrose brought you here?"

Should I tell him at all? It's a risk, letting him get in on all this crazy.

"I was exiled just after my parents died".


"They were murdered by a human".

"So? That's not your fault, right?"

"It was the day after my 18th birthday. These four guys were outside our house messing with my car".

"The same car you have now?"

"Yeah. My mom and dad went outside to confront them and they got into a fight. They shifted in front of them".

"Holy shit".

"One of the men pulled out a gun and shot both my parents. I saw the whole thing happen".

"You lost control, didn't you?"

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