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Me and Lara went back to the cabin together after I bought us both lunch in town. I'd already taken it upon myself to show her some of Conan's old pictures from when he was younger.

Weirdly, I could sense that Conan was pissed about something wherever he is right now, but if he's out job hunting too then that's probably the reason why.

"Well that's a bad haircut if I've ever seen one" she laughs at some of the later photos from when he was a teenager.

"At least he's aged well".

"I really shouldn't ask this, but does he look like his dad?"

"A little. His dad's around 6ft 1, and has a lot shorter hair that's starting to go grey. Does he ever talk about him to you at all?"

"Vaguely, but honestly not that much. I know he's still pretty pissed at him though for running out on him during his first shift".

I felt a pang of guilt. I know the truth about what happened that night, even though Conan still doesn't. Even so, it's not my secret to tell.

"So anyway, are you excited for your birthday? You're turning 21, right?"

"Yeah, I'm just nervous about going back home after that".

"You're really going then? I thought you might've changed your mind now Conan's back".

"It might sound weird, but for the past few weeks I keep feeling this pull. Like there's this invisible force that's telling me I need to go back there".

"You got some unfinished business back home?"

In my heart, I know there is, and I have to go back to Idaho and confront my past head on.

"I never got to find out where my parents were buried, so I didn't really get the chance to say goodbye. Conan's dad is meeting me at the edge of town on the day I get back, he's taking me straight there".

"Do you think that's what the pull is, or something else?"

"I don't know, maybe? All I know is that I have to go back. I'll definitely miss living here though".

"I like it here too, it seems really wholesome. Definitely the kind of place you'd wanna raise a family".

That was a surprise.

"You want kids?"

"Sure, why not? I'm 27 and not getting any younger, right? My life's been too crazy for a long time to ever consider settling down somewhere. Until now that is".

"Conan did mention the whole vampires and witches thing. I honestly thought he was joking about that stuff at first".

"We did too when we first found out about them".

"So you've seen them too?"

"Oh yeah. Vampires are bad, hard to kill too, but witches are way worse".

"I thought it would've been the other way around?"

"Don't get me wrong, vampires are strong and some do have abilities, like the power to manipulate your emotions and actions if you don't have the willpower to resist it".

"And witches?"

"Witches can literally tear you apart, or burn you alive from miles away without ever touching you. You'll never even see it coming".


I'll never feel the same way about witches again. Especially when I watch Hocus Pocus on Halloween, like I do every year.

"Yep. There's even these old legends that witches were the original and only mystical beings for thousands of years, and that they were the ones who created the original vampires".

"What about werewolves?"

"That's why we've been trying to find those old books for all these years. Most of the ones we've found have been really old, and were written in dead languages that nobody can translate. Essentially, we have no idea about where we came from because the vampires have kept that information hidden".

"I wonder why?"

"I suppose only the oldest of vampires would know".

Jeez! Whenever this stuff works it's way into casual conversation, it all seems so much more terrifying. How old would the oldest vampires even be?

"Sounds like they're nearly here" she says as we both hear the sound of Carol's truck approaching.

"Then I'll make a start on dinner if you wanna stay too?"

"Sure, I'll help".

We start on the lasagnes and a couple of minutes later, Carol and Conan come walking inside. He has an expression on his face I can't read.

"Hey, how did the job hunt go?" Lara asks him.

"I start on a weeks trial at the hardware store tomorrow. You?"

"Grocery store" she smiles because she's pleased with herself.

"That's really great for both of you" Carol beams.

She's happy, knowing her son is back home for good this time.

Out of nowhere, Conan is behind me. His body pressed against mine, with both his huge arms boxing me in as he leans on the kitchen counter.

Carol and Lara are obviously distracted talking to each other about their respective days, so it feels like we're the only two here right now.

"Something you wanna tell me, princess?" he whispers with his warm breath on my neck.

"I don't know, is there?"

"Busy day?"

"No busier then usual".

Oh god, I can't believe I didn't realise it sooner. He must know I've been showing Lara his old pictures, I stupidly left the album out on the coffee table before.

"Meet me outside in 10 minutes. Don't keep me waiting".

He sounds so dominant in that moment that I feel my legs buckle slightly before his body pulls away from mine, and he seems to disappear.

I quickly turn to face him, but he's just gone. I have no idea what just happened between us. All I know is that whatever it was, I wanted more of it.

Lara and Carol seem to be blissfully unaware that I'm standing here an absolutely flustered mess. Even worse was the fact that I was wet down there.

"Ren, you good?" Lara asks.

"Just a little warm. I think I need some air".

"We can finish cooking dinner if you want to go for a run? I think Conan just went for one too" Carol tells me.

"I'll be back soon".

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