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It's weird being able to feel what Conan's feeling. He's anxious about something right now, but I had bigger things to worry about. For starters, I wanted to see Lara again today.

I was in my car, trying to find the motel they're staying in when I happen to spot her coming out of a clothes store. Strangely, she didn't have any shopping bags, so I'm wondering what she was up to.

"Hey, Lara" I pull up next to her.

"I though I recognised the car. What are you doing out here?"

"I was bored and I was actually looking for you. I wanted to ask you a huge favour".

"Colour me interested, ask away".

"I want to get a tattoo and I noticed yesterday that you had one, so I wanted your opinion before I got it".

She had some star constellations on her upper right thigh that I thought looked kind of cool. I'd ask Conan, but something told me he would've talked me out of it somehow.

"Really? Does Carol know you're getting one?"

"We talked about it a while back, and she said that if I was dead set on getting one then it's fine with her".

This is my own personal attempt at bonding with her, just like her offering to go on a run with me yesterday was hers I'm guessing.

"Nothing big though, right? You're not planning on going full Post Malone with the full face and everything?"

"God no! Just something small, I promise".

"Okay, but if I get berated by Conan for this in any way shape or form later, then you have to stick up for me. Deal?"


She reluctantly gets in the car and we drive to the nearest tattoo studio. I'm excited and nervous at the same time, so I've got this rush of adrenaline going on.

"What about this one?" she points out a pretty flower one while flipping through the pages of a book full of designs.


"This one?"


"You could always go full rebel and get a small wolf tattoo" she laughs.


"Like a little wolf?"

"Yeah, that's what I just said".

"That's not a bad idea".

"I was half kidding, but if that's what you want then let's go for it".

We brainstorm for a while. Finally settling on a new design with the tattoo artist, that wasn't in any of the books, I eventually end up with a unique design that's minimalist, but still nice.

Still, it felt like something was missing from it, and I couldn't figure out what exactly. It felt unfinished until Lara suggested something.

"What about some lyrics or a quote underneath it that you like? Anything come to mind?"

I racked my brain for a second before something pops into my head. The words my dad whispered to me just before I walked into the forest for my first shift.

"Be strong and have no fear" I smile at the memory.

"I like that" she can tell those words must really mean something to me.

Within minutes, I have those words six meaningful words permanently written underneath the small black silhouette of a wolf, on the back of my wrist.

"I love it".

"It's really you" she tells me.

"Are you saying I'm simple?"

"I was thinking more along the lines of, understated. People are going to spend their lives underestimating you, but you're going to spend your whole life proving them all wrong".

"You think so?"

"I know so. Give them hell, White Wolf" she winks.

Maybe she's right and I can one day use the fact that I'm still young, and a woman, to my advantage at some point?

I'm sure that when other werewolves think of the legendary White Wolf, they're picturing someone a lot different than me.

"Do you wanna go shopping after this? I saw you at that clothes store earlier. Were you looking for something?"

"I was actually looking for a job, it was Conan's idea. Our rooms are paid until the end of the week, so we need money".

"If you really need it, then I can give you some money?"

"I would never ask you for that".

"You're not asking for it, I'm offering it to you. It'll be one less stress for you to worry about while you're looking for a job".

"Fine, you've twisted my arm".

"You know, I did see a sign in the window of the grocery store last week that said they were hiring. Maybe they still are?"

"It's worth a shot. I've never actually had a real job before, do you think that'll be a problem?'

"Let's go find out" I shrug.

About and hour later, I'm sitting patiently outside the grocery store with my fingers crossed for her. I really hope she gets it.

She comes out a couple of minutes later with a big smile on her face, it must be good news because she gives me a thumbs up.

The second she gets back to my car, I'm bursting with questions.

"So how did it go? Did you get it?"

"You are now officially looking as cashier number 3, and I start my training tomorrow".


"I honestly didn't think I was gonna get it at first because I have zero experience, but I used my womanly charms to talk him round".

"What did you say to him?"

"After I showed him my passport, I may, or may not have lied and told him that I've been travelling around the world modelling".

"And he bought that?"

"He was on the fence, that was until I leaned down and pretended to tie my shoe so he could get a decent look at the twins. Next thing I knew, he was shoving an apron in my hand and telling me I start first thing".

"Lara, I'm not sure whether I should be absolutely mortified by what you just said, or impressed beyond believe".

"It's a fine line".

"Well whatever you did, it worked and I'm happy for you either way".

"I just hope Conan's having the same luck I did".

"As long as he's not using the same methods you just did".

"You never know".

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