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"Tiger, what else can it be?" Xu Feng said triumphantly after finally seeing Zhao Lei eaten up.

Lucky for Zhao Lei, of course he knew it was a tiger, but they hadn't seen an animal since the end of the world, so a tiger that can grow bigger and smaller like a pet is not seen before the end of the world, okay? Obviously this tiger has also mutated. This is the first mutant animal they have seen since the last days.

Seeing them like this, a big guy next to him laughed and said, "Several of them have just come from other places. Just now the little girl is called Fang Xuan, and her ability is to guard animals. It's not surprising that she is used to it. Yes. But Fang Xuan's little girl is not easy to provoke. Even her tiger can't get into her body. Don't mess with him if you're fine." When the big man first came to Base B, But after eating this tiger, I feel a little creepy now when I think about it.

Zhao Lei also knew that they were a little fussed, after all, after the end of the world, common sense can no longer be considered. Since humans can have supernatural powers, it is not surprising that animals have mutated. Therefore, it is rare for him to take a bit of embarrassment and say: "We are from a small place and haven't seen the world, so big brother laughed."

"It's nothing, it's nothing. Just get used to it." The big man was also hearty, and he drew a few words with them kindly, and then asked them a few precautions before leaving. The most important thing in this place is not to cause trouble, it is very likely that an ordinary person will give you good fruit.

After seeing this tiger, there is nothing else to make a few people fuss about. They found the house allocated to them quite smoothly. Although it is also a three-bedroom house, it is much smaller than the small courtyard in T City. Base B has a large population, and it is a good place to be assigned to such a house.

Zhao Lei and his house are on the third floor, because after the end of the world there will be no elevator, so the houses basically live on the seventh floor, no matter how tall people are, they are unwilling to live. However, if you can't pay the rent, you can also choose a higher-level rent that is relatively cheaper, as long as you are willing to climb.

It is said that there are almost no vacancies in the low-rise houses in Zone C, but they can't stop them with luck. When Li Chun and the others came, it happened that a small group of people moved to Zone B, so this house was also vacant. Because of this, the inside is considered clean, but there is only a shallow layer of dust on it.

The ten people are all dexterous, and there is no shortage of water at all for those with An Xiao, the water system supernatural ability. So the house was cleaned up quickly. Gu Zhun and An Xiao lived in a relatively small first sight house. Zhao Lei, Wu Bin, and Xu Feng lived in a room. Zhao Xueqi's mother-in-law and Li Tian live in the same room. Li Chun and Li's father still live in the living room. It is estimated that there were more people in the last team, and there were even wooden boards left by them in the living room, which would save the father and son.

Winter is here, there is no heating in the house, and the kitchen is even more empty. When they were in T base before, they could pick up some dead branches to burn and cook. What did they want to do now? Now they are also considered stretched, and the hearts of several men are somewhat heavier to varying degrees. But anyway, finally settled down. Let's take a rest for the night and wait until tomorrow is over.

Li's mother is getting older, coupled with the bumps along the way, her physical condition is not so good. Although he was not sick, his mental state was much worse. As soon as she cleaned up, Zhao Xueqi served her mother-in-law to sleep. After taking care of her mother-in-law, she hurriedly coaxed her daughter to sleep, which was a sigh of relief.

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