Telling Them

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It's a shocker, but Nishiki was right. Kou did manage to finally come around. After the he finally came around to the idea, we both decided that it would only be fair to tell everyone else as well. Immediately, I get up, getting dressed, trying to wear some more baggier clothes than what I'm used to. This way it should help to hide the surprise. Well, at least until I decided to open a box with a few baby things in them.

My hands wrap around the handcrafted box with the painting of the moon cycle on the lid

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My hands wrap around the handcrafted box with the painting of the moon cycle on the lid. I carry it into the diner, carefully placing it on the counter. We decided to close the diner early tonight and reveal the news through a party cover up. I'm not going to lie, but I really like the idea of breaking the news that way. And I know exactly how to.

A small smile slips on to my face. Hands moves to wrap around my waist. My attention moves, glancing over at my mate. His brown eyes watching me carefully before placing a soft kiss to my temple. "You going to be okay?" The ghoul asks. My head nods in response. I know why he's asking. Guess he's still in shock from the other day with Kou.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks Nishi," I respond back. My head moves, gently kissing his cheek. A smile starts forming on his face. He moves, kissing my cheek in response. Heat rises up to my face.

"Can you two get a room?" A voice catches my attention. I glance over seeing none other than Rinkaku sitting with Mari and Ayumu. I raise my eyebrow up at that. The raven-haired male only chuckles in response to that. Thus, it only helps to bring out the smile on my face.

Suddenly, the door opens rapidly before closing. Heavy breathing sounds in the diner. My eyes immediately glance over at Moriko. She's the one breathing heavy and her hand is over her chest. I glance at her. "Moriko, what's going on?" I immediately ask, moving out of my mate's grasp before moving over towards her. She shakes her head slightly at that.

"They're after me," the blue-haired female comments. My eyebrows furrow, shaking my head. I don't understand. What is she talking about? The thoughts cross my mind. "It's the council!" Moriko adds, a frantic expression on her face. My head shakes again.

"Why is the council after you?" The question immediately leaves pass my lips. This only confuses me further. The only time that they were after her was when she was on a hearing over.... My eyes widen, finally understanding. If they won't listen to reason, then I'll just have to make them listen.

Then rushing footsteps sound. Sounds like they're now turning at the corner of the block. My hand reaches, grabbing for Moriko's hand before pulling her closer towards the counter. The bell rings and sounds. My head turning some to see three people standing at the doorway. I turn around, facing them. "Can I help you?" I ask them.

The male with the white hair and blue eyes is the first to speak up. "We're looking for a female haltija by the name of Sachie Moriko. She has -" he starts saying but gets interrupted by another council member. This time, it's a female with bright red hair.

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