Hanahaki Disease

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I haven't once seen Nishiki since the park. May be I was being selfish. Who are you kidding? Of course you were being selfish! Who would want to be with someone who only cares about their own self? The voice rings again. I sigh slightly.

Also, ever since the park, the voice has constantly been putting its thoughts in my head. It's like the voice won't ever leave. Some days, it's really hard.

"Hey, Kiyoshi?" A voice sounds. A knock on my door soon follows after. I roll over on my mattress, facing away and towards the wall. The door opens anyway. "Kiyoshi," a different voice starts out.

"Just go away, Natsu and Rinkaku," I mutter under my breath.

"Come on, you have to get up. Today's going to be even busier," Natsu comments.

"Or did you forget what today is?" Rinkaku comments.

I haven't forgot what today is. I doubt I could ever forget. But with how things ended the last time I saw the ghoul, everything hasn't been the same. It all just seems duller, pointless, and meaningless. Plus, I was up most of last night coughing up blood and the petals.

"How could I possibly forget about the 1st anniversary?" I comment with no real energy for anything at the moment. Even sarcasm was trying to lace itself in my tone of voice.

A sigh reaches my ears. "I talk to him," Rinkaku voices. I roll my eyes. It won't help no body, especially me. My hands pulls the covers closer, tightening arm me.

Footsteps start getting quieter than the previous ones. A click sound signals that my door was closed and it was just the mixed wolf and I in the room.

"Okay, now, what ever happened the other day when you got off work early and Nori watched the kids, you need to sort through it and fast," Rinkaku comments. I growled at that before snapping to my feet, standing on my mattress.

"You don't think I haven't tried!" I exclaim. I've been trying to get better, but the voice always finds it's way to fill doubt into a single being.

Rin's eyes widen at my stance. My breathing was heavy, almost like I'm panting....but I feel like I'm breathing normally. I slowly move to sit on the edge of my bed, running my hands through my hair before shaking my head slightly. "Sorry," I say before looking up at Rin.

He shakes his head slightly at that. "It's alright," he says, pausing. His head tilts to the side for a moment before he speaks again. "What's really going on? This isn't like you. Just last week you were so hyped about the first anniversary coming up," the male comments.

I sigh slightly at that. "There's something wrong me, and I....I don't know what it is," the truth slips. My eyes advert to look at my feet. Shit! Why am I telling him the truth? You can't let them worry about you. Remember that!

"What do you mean that you don't know what's wrong with you?" The bed dips beside me as the ghoul werewolf mix sits down.

"It's like I only get sick when a certain person is around me," I confide the details to him. He face scrunches up as an eyebrow gets raised at me. "You're the one that asked," I comment to him.

He nods his head slightly at that. "I know, but I've never heard of something like this ever happening before. What other symptoms is there?" He asks.

I shake my head slightly, trying to think. The a image of the different petals forms in my minds. "Uhm...there's flower petals. My throat constricts. I get a nasty coughing fit when I'm around this certain person," I say, trying to list all the symptoms that I could think of.

Rinkaku raises his eyebrow at that. "Really? Flower petals?" He comments. I glare at him for a moment.

"You think I'm trying to be funny?" I retort. He raises his hands up some.

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