2nd Core

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"The dragon's vitals are starting to becoming active again," Kimi comments.

I remember being awoken from my temporary bed only to learn of a new emergency meeting that was taking place in ten minutes. It's been a little harsh since I've barely been able to sleep all night. Only being able to puke since I started to try and sleep at Hide's room.

"And those creatures it spawns are still turning humans into ghouls," Hide comments. I glance over at the yellow haired male on the other side of Kaneki. Meanwhile, I standing between my brother and my sister-in-law. I can't bring myself to stand beside him right now, not with how rocky things have gotten.

"We dug Kaneki out of it, shouldn't it have at least slowed down by now?" Nishiki comments right after that, voicing everyone's concern.

"That was my theory, but look at this," Kimi says, letting us inspect the photographs laying on the table. "It has another core."

"It has more than one?" The questions slips pass my lips, barely above a whispers. I thought Kaneki was the only one, the one core for this dragon, but seems I once again wrong.

"We've got our work cut out for us, then." Nishiki comments.

"Then we should get to it," Tsukiyama adds. "Let's send a few scouts get an idea of what --"

"We don't have time for that," the words slips pass my lips. Remembering back to what Kimi had said when we first were looking for Kaneki. If he's allowed to become fully active again, his body will grow dozens of times its current size in a manner of days. A small sigh escapes pass my lips.

"How much do we have?" Hide questions, all eyes falling towards the human only human here.

"Based on the limited analysis I've been able to do, I'd have to say twelve hours at best," Kimi answers. My eyes widen at that. I'm suppose to meet Kato in a few hours.

"And if the monster does become becomes active again?" Hide question. I already know the answer to that. Most of us can already see what's the worst to come.

"Every human being in Tokyo will become a ghoul. Mostly likely, those who are neither human nor ghoul will possibly become a ghoul as well," Nishiki comments. Even though I won't look at him, I feel his haze staring straight at me.

"Then we'll just have to charge in blind," Tsukiyama voices. Something turns bitter in me at the thought. I can't just have everyone charge in blind. We don't even know what we are up against.

"But the underground route to the core is dense with the same gasses produced by the dragon's spawn," the human here retorts. So that means what would happen to whomever goes to the second core will mostly like end up similar to Saiko.

"That wouldn't be a problem for a ghoul, right?" Nishiki questions, pulling me out of my thoughts. My eyes widen in response. He can't be serious! Can he? I mean he wouldn't really do it, right?

"It's less of one, but you still have a limit. Exceed a certain threshold, and it'll affect your RC cell count," Kimi answers.

"Then I should be the one to go in," my brother states. This causes the whole room to fall silent except for a small gasp that slips from Touka. "With my RC count, I doubt the gas'll affect me," Kaneki adds.

"Fair point. Your RC levels are abnormally high, but not much higher than they were before," Kimi agrees for a moment. Though she leaves room for pause. "It's risky though," she adds

Before anything else can be said, the ground quakes. Explosions sound of as well. Tsukiyama and Nishi both move towards the window. Their eyes glancing down at the he landscape below. "Can't catch a break," my mate mumbles under his breath.

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