The Text Messages

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The beeping of a monitor if the first thing that makes me realize where I really am: the hospital. My eyes flutter open. Looking around, the room is dark with the exception of two places. The first being just above my bed, and the second is the moonlight shining through the blinds and curtains.

The moon full. Letting its rays cascade through the room. My bed is elevated up some.

That's when I notice the abundance of needles that is sticking through my skin. This does not include the oral nasal oxygen mask cupping my face. I glance over towards the side, seeing a nearly empty blood bag beside a clear saline bag. Through enough of trying to make out the blood type, I catch an AB on the bag.

Slowly, a scent starts to fill in through the oxygen mask. My eyes, advert to my needle covered arm. There, I see him fast asleep. The dark circle under his eyes indicating the lack of rest he's been having. My hand moves to reach for him, but my hand immediately stops. What if I wake him up? He really needs his sleep. I can't wake him from something that he desperately needs.

In the corner of my eye, I manage to catch my phone charging

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In the corner of my eye, I manage to catch my phone charging. With my good arm, I slowly manage to take my phone off of the charger. Pulling up the lock screen, the date reads May, 30th. My eyes widen slightly. It's been a month and a half since I was awake. My eyes drift down some seeing text message notifications. Slowly, I tap on the screen, letting the messages pull up. There's an abundance of them. Most of the contacts from the last day that I remember. Though, most of the actually messages are from none other than my mate.

The first one, dated for the last day I remember...back in March. My eyes slowly scan over the very first message. He must have sent it not too long after I thought that I was long gone.

If I knew...If someone had told when what was bound to happen an the day after you walked out of that door...
You know, things would have been done very differently, right? I regret everything! All of it! You, me, that fight...
You mean the world to me.....I should have protected you better
I didn't mean what I said. I could never watch you walk away.
And you're wrong, you could never hate me. May be upset and annoyed, but never hate.

This is all my fault, all of it. And now, well I'm paying the high price for it
Please, you have to wake up. Kiyo, please
If not for me, then for Kazumi
And Kou
And the twins
They really need you
I do too
Please don't leave me like everyone else

Something pull at my heart string upon reading that. There were a few more text messages from that same day. Not at heart-pulling as the first....but still painful nonetheless.

I miss you so much and your lips and your smile and your laugh and your hugs and your presence and pretty much everything else

Trust me, I do need you. You keep me calm. You do so much for me that you don't even know

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.

I love you so fucking much it hurts.

I need you.
I fucking need you.
PLEASE! Please! You have to come back to me.
To us.

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