The Argument

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"Thanks again," I comment, walking back with Natsu. The raven-haired alpha nods his head slightly back in response.

"It's nothing," Natsu responds. A small smile makes it way towards my lips. Slowly, I nod my head in response to that.

"Hopefully, I'll see you tomorrow," I say, glancing up, seeing my bedroom. Natsu nods his head slightly at that.

"Get some rest, you're gonna need it," Natsu comments. My head in nods in response again. I glance over to say goodbye but he's already turning and walking back. Without much more thought, I slip into the bedroom. All the lights are off, but I don't see Nishiki here. Where the hell could he have gone at this early hour?

"Where have you been?" A voice ask, straining to remain calm. Immediately my hand reaches over, flipping on the light. Leaning against the wall near the closest is my said mate.

"I told you, I had to take a walk, get my head cleared," I comment, closing the door behind myself.. Something mumbles pass his lips. Quiet enough that I can't make out what it is. "If you have something to say, then say it. Otherwise, I'm way to exhausted right now," I add.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" Nishiki seethes. I furrow my eyes before glancing over at my mate. Something about him is completely off. I tilt my head to the side, not understanding what was going on.

"What are you talking about?" The words slip from my lips. Just then, I Nishi holds up a sticky note in his hand. The writing clear as day. A phone number and the name Kato write in black. A shaky sigh escapes pass my lips. "I was, but there was never a good time," I answer his question.

"When was a good time then?" The ghoul in front of me snaps. I step back for a moment, offended that he seems agitated about this.

"When it was safe. When Kato was long gone from here. That's all I've ever tried to do. I've tried to keep you safe," I explain to him. A grumble escapes pass his lips, the anger simmering in his eyes.

"I don't believe it! You act like I can't take care of myself!" He starts yelling at me. A heavy growl elicits form my throat at that. The accusations!

"It's not that and you know it! He's highly dangerous! Hell, even Natsu's been MIA since he came here to this ward!" I yell back myself. My blood boiling in response to this.

"Shut up! Just...shut up!" Nishiki yells as he slaps the sticky note on the dresser. He turns his back to me. Something starts to slowly build up in my chest. It isn't my emotions, but it's strong. The scent even illuminates in the room. My eyes widen at that, realization hitting me.

"Oh my god..." I whisper out, my voice barely audible. This gains my mate's attention as he looks back at me. Confusion now settling with him for a moment. "You're jealous over him. Over Natsu," I finally say what's going on.

Instantaneously, Nishiki's eyes narrow upon hearing that. "Like hell I am!" He yells. His breathing starts becoming heavy, sounding in the bedroom. All evidence pointing to jealousy. My teeth strain against one another as my eyes glare up at him.

"You are! Just admit it!" I yell back in response. Why won't he just admit it? Is it his damn pride? Or is it something else more? May be Avani's manipulating him again?

"I'm not jealous! Fuck off!" The snappy tone voices back in return.

"Bullshit!" I yell at him.

"Leave me lone!" My mate retorts back. His back turning back towards me. My hands shake through my hair, the agitation making me pull at the raven strands.

"Why can't you just admit that you're jealous over someone that I'm not gonna see nor more than just a friend?"

"Because I'm not jealous! What else is there to say?"

"The truth jackass!" The words finally snaps from me. The tension snapping knives in half. Slowly, Nishiki turns to glance at me. A cold glare staring straight at me.

"And that is the truth. What more do want from me?" His voice oddly calm at this point. My hands go in the air as I shake my head. I can't....

"I can't do this anymore. Not with you," I comment. Slowly, after I manage to calm down some, my head just shakes. "I'm done trying to help you," my quiet voice comments. My feet move, turning me so that my back's facing him. My hand reaches for the knob, wanting to get out of here for a while.

"Where the hell are you going? Out to sneak around with that alpha?" My mate sneers.

"For fuck sake, I'm just going for a walk!" I exclaim, something forming at the edge of my eyes. Why is he still pressing on this?

"Yeah right," I hear Nishi mumble under his breath. A low growl erupts from my chest.

"Nishiki, let it rest!" I snap, loosing what last little bit of patience that I had.

"How? How am I suppose to let it rest?" He inquires, the agitation bleeding through in his voice.

"Oh my god, I don't care!" I yell. Suddenly, the words sink in. My eyes widen at that.

"I should've known," Nishiki's voice having that tone. The one that makes my heart sink. "I thought I could trust you," he adds. A feeling welts up in my chest. It's crush, making it painful to even breathe. Tears start flowing down the sides of my face.

"Shut the fuck up!" The words being more harsh than I intend for them to be. Without a second though, I swing the door open. The tears still spilling from my eyes. I don't have time for this especially with everything on the line.

"Where are you going?" My mate voices form behind me. His tone much warmer and not as aggressive as it was just mere seconds ago. I shake my head slightly at that. Why should I give him an answer?

"I don't owe you an explanation," my voice puts simply. I don't have the energy nor the strength to continue this bickering and yelling with him. I'm already exhausted enough. My feet start to move, only stopping just inside the room upon hearing Nishiki.

"Don't you dare. If you walk away, don't even think about coming back," the venom slowly starts seeping back through his voice. A shaky sigh starts in my tone. I want to respond, but I can't.

Just then something flashes in my mind. Two small clips. The first one being of my mate remaining pissed at me. The lateral being the nightmare I endured. Suddenly, I understand the things Nishiki did. The reason he left with the Anteiku raid. The only choice is to protect the people that you care about. Even if it means hurting them, and myself, in the process.

"Then I guess I'll just have to hate you," the words slip out so calmly. A slight gaps sounds from behind me. Before he can react, I already step back out of the room

My feet carry me far enough that I know he won't hear it. That's when I can't hold them back no more. The painful tears not slipping, but flowing freely. It's like my heart hurts so much that my hand clench at the clothing over my chest. It doesn't subside. It probably won't ever will. But, I do manage to calm myself down, somewhat.

Now, there's just one last thing left to do. My hand reaches into my pocket, grabbing my phone. Immediately typing in the phone number that I had seen just minutes earlier.

"Kiyoshi, such a surprise to see you called. I'm assuming you've made your decision. Though, it's rather surprising you made the decision in only six hours," Kato's voice speaks from the other side of the phone call.

"I'll join," I comment, voicing my decision. My eyes staring only at the dark color painted on the wall in front of me. "When do we meet up?" The question slips pass my lips.

"How about at sundown tomorrow. You should know from the nightmare, when the blood moon is near it's peak. Don't be late or the deal is off," Kato responds. A light chuckle escapes pass my lips.

"I'll be there," my voice says, passing through the smirk etching itself on to my lips.

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