You Have To Wake Up

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A lot of people have already came and talked with Kaneki. Though, I find it rather hard, especially with him being the only thing to really connect back to home....a place where I had to grow up too fast.

My eyes look at my brother still unconscious body through the glass. The only noise is the steady sound of beep, showing that his heart is still beating. My hands press flat against the glass, frost immediately forming. As a reaction, my hand pulls away immediately.

Come on Ken, you have to wake up! My thoughts yell in my mind. A small sigh slips pass my lips. Something has got to give. He's been like this for a few days no and it's making me a nerve wreck.

Without even thinking, I move to head towards his door, opening before heading inside. Quietly, I close the door behind me before taking a seat on the chair beside my brother. What am I suppose to tell him? I've never really been one on this side of the spectrum and it makes things a little awkward for me.

"Y'know they're waiting on you Ken," my voice quietly responds. "Especially Touka. You know you have to wake up. For her. For you child. For this family. This world," the words start flowing from my lips. "They're the reason you should come back! You have to pull through!" My voice raises with each word. Tears prickle at the back of my eyes.

My hand moves to hold his hand, just for a moment. But something snaps, gaining my undivided attention. Everything changes in the room. My hand moves to reach out, only reaching into the darkness.

My eyes blink for a moment before I'm standing in a kitchen for a moment. Littering the tile floor is pots and pans. Mostly like having made a crashing noise. Then there's Ken, who seems really young by how small he is. Broken cries and pleas leave him as his body shakes. Fear lingering around in the air. My eyes advert up. Mom is looming over him, her hand drawn back. My eyes widen, remembering exactly when this was.

Sudden foot padding down on the floor, gains everyone's attention. Before I can turn around to look at the person, a deep growl sounds throughout the kitchen. Immediately, a blur passes by. The younger version of myself looking down at Ken. Carefully and cautiously check over him, seeing a few vivid bruises in purple and black.

My attention turns to glance at the woman in the room. My eyes immediately starting to fade into a gold color. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" My brother's cries don't get overlook. Right after he says the last sorry, heavy snarls escape my chest. Mom's hand draws back even further. Somehow, I manage to jump in. I don't know how I manage to be that fast though.

My body manages to carefully push Ken against the cabinets, being the cushion between him and the blows getting thrown. His chest pressing against my back since I completely block him out. As blows get thrown left and right, you can hear my brother chanting the same words over and over. Onii-chan and bunch of sorries waver in my brother's voice.

After a few minutes, Mom seems to finally tire out. My eyes have a glint of hope in them. My hands move from Ken's side. They push my Mom out of the way, giving just enough time to pull Ken from behind me and away from the two of us.

"Go!" My voice yells at him. Ken's eyes are teary and he goes to say something. "Just go Ken!" I yell once again, my eyes looking up and meet with his. Ken's eyes widen at that for a moment before he turns and runs right out the front door.

My eyes widen as my feet immediately carry me outside. The sound of a vehicle fast approaching sends me into my instincts. Kaneki isn't even looking as he continues to run, just running away from that house. In the flash of a second, tires start screeching. My brother was laying on the ground and I was laying in the middle of the road.

"He just ran out in front of me!" A masculine voice starts exclaiming, sending my blood to run cold. My eyes advert to see Kato getting out of the driver seat.

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