Last of the Missing Pieces

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Around me, I remember so vividly. Standing in the same kitchen that I manage to save Ken in when we were kids. There stood me, well a small version of myself. I can't be no older than ten at the most. A small hand reaches up, lightly tugging at my shirt. Someone smaller than me. short black hair shows at the back. Ken.

"Is you're friend coming Onii-Chan?" Ken's higher voice signals out. My eyes turn away looking down at my brother. My hands lightly brush, ruffling his hair.

"Just give him a few more minutes," a small smile forms on my face. My blue eyes holding that hope they always had when I was kid.

Something catches through the wind that blows through the window. My head lifts up some, catching a whiff of the air. A wide smile forms on my face as I glance down at my brother. Just then, the front door bell rings.

"Can I answer it?! Can I answer the bell?!" Ken exclaims. His eyes bright and glowing with curiosity. I nod my head at that. Ken races towards the door. He pulls it open. The scent of cedarwood and citrus infiltrating the entire home. Just on the other side of the threshold is a dark hair and dark eyed male. About the same age as me, may be a little bit older. Natsu.

The young alpha male looks down at the mere human. "You must be Kiyoshi's younger brother," Natsu comments, a very laid back tone. A little surprising to me, since most alphas are normal hostile and aggressive, even as kids.

Ken nods his head slightly at that. "Yeah!" He says, the smile one his face. Natsu slowly walks into the house, his eyes scanning around the home. The scent of sandalwood, nutmeg, vanilla and sugar out scenting and he citrus and cedarwood mixture. Natsu's eyes widen as his attention snaps to the younger version of myself in the kitchen.

A small wave signals the rather friendly persona radiating from my small frame. "Natsu! Hey!" My voice contradicts the softer gesture. Natsu nods his head.

"Hey," the alpha replies back. The slight joy hinting in his tone. My head nods. Ken closes the door before rushing over towards my side. He moves his head arm, causing it to lift some. My eyes look down seeing him. He smiles as, his eyes closing for a moment. My hands ruffle through his hair. ​​​​​Ken laughs some before glancing up at the alpha.


A few weeks later, Natsu was back at the house. I reach at the stove, trying to fix something decent for dinner. Ever since Mom passed, Ken's been closing off more and more. The funeral only made things worse.

"Ken," my voice whispers down to my younger brother. His hands only tightened on my button up shirt. One hand brushing through his hair. The other wrapping around his back, keeping him close. My hands stay there, not dating to move.
"Is he okay?" A voice asks. My attention snaps up to see Natsu. My head shakes at that. How are we ever gonna be okay? We just lost Mom and Dad's been gone since Ken was an infant.

A scent gains my attention. The smell of amber burning wood and death surrounds us. My eyes scan around, I'm not the only one that smells it. Natsu's becoming rather fidgety for no particular reason.

The death scent gets stronger. Without thinking, my arms tighten, becoming secure around Ken. Suddenly, it's like it's suffocating me. My eyes widen for a moment, my head slowly turns glancing up at a tall male in front of me. Blue eyes and a dark blue hair color are the main features someone can grasp. At the time, I wouldn't never known who he was, but now I do.

 At the time, I wouldn't never known who he was, but now I do

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