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Something muffle sounds. It's all kind of a blur before confusion hits me. Didn't I die? So why is this even possible?

Now that's necessarily the case. The feminine voice responds back. My eyes snap open, widening upon hearing that. The haze soon disappears.

On front of me, there stands a woman. Raven hair and piercing red eyes staring back at me. "It's finally nice to meet you, Kiyoshi," the female says. My eyes widen in response. It's the same voice that usually speaks to me inside my head.

"Wh-who are you?" I question, my eyes remain solely on her but keeping a close eye on the surrounding. She giggles a little. Something warm and gentle soothes in the air.

"My name's Narah Satsukimoto. I'm pretty sure you've heard of me," she comments. My eyes widen. So, you're the one that started this whole mess? My thoughts roam. "Yes," the raven-haired female, Narah, comments. My eyes widen again.

"This is just...way too weird," I comment out loud. Something that I've had a little struggle with before. Narah lightly laughs in response. The raven-haired female nods her head slightly.

"I figured it might be," Narah says, the warming and soothing smile placing itself on her facial features. "Which, is exactly why I've asked someone if they would be here when you woke up," she adds. My brows furrow.

"Who?" I question immediately. I don't understand? Who would possibly know about this? Suddenly, a warming scent catches my attention. The scent smells of an open fire in the country night air. One that reminds me of home...of my childhood.

Slowly I turn around before being met with a male about my age. Mahogany hair and light blue tinted grey eyes is part of his main features. Grey eyes so similar to that of my brother's. My eyes widen. "Grandfather," the title slips pass my lips. He nods his head slightly at that.

 He nods his head slightly at that

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"Kiyoshi. It's been a while, hasn't it," he comments. My mouth opens and moves, but no sound actually comes out. Grandfather chuckles some. "You and Ken both doing fine?" He asks. Narah moves behind him before hitting him in the back of the head.

"Don't be an idiot, Tsubasa. You know if he was fine, he wouldn't be here," Narah remarks. Grandfather rubs his head some. His eyes glaring over at Narah.

"So why is two of my grandparents standing here?" I question, oddly in a quiet tone. This gains both of their attentions.

"Oh, uhm...well," Narah starts to say. My grandfather remaining silent about the whole thing. His eyes landing on the raven-haired female. Evidently, this must have been all her idea. I think to myself.

"You know I can hear you, right?" Narah comments. Her eyes narrowing at me. My heart starts beating rather faster than normal. A shy shrug of my shoulders shows I forgot about the mind thing. Sorry. She sighs slightly at my answer.

"Anyway, we're here to discuss about you," Narah adds. My grandfather nods his head in response.

"What about me?" My voice speaks fast than my thoughts, at least for this time.

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