Memories pt. 5

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I watch myself in the mirror. My hair was brushed, though still in its usually messy and wavy stance. I'm wearing a black t-shirt with a pair of dark jeans. I even have a light grey sweater that was in my arms. All I needed to do was slip in my shoes, which was by the door.

"You look really nice Oshi," Masaru comments. I glance, over seeing him holding up Kou in his arms.

​"Why thank you Masaru," I comment smiling widely at him. He nods his head slightly at that.

"Are you and him going out today Uncle Kiyoshi?" Mitsu asks. I nod my head slightly

"Where all are you going with Mr. Nishi?" Masaru asks, his eyes filling with curiosity.

I shake my head slightly. "Honestly, I don't know myself. Nishiki told me that it's a surprise," I say looking down at him. Masaru smiles widely before nodding his head.

"That's so sweet!" He exclaims. I nod my head slightly at that. It is! Honestly, I'm kind of excited yet very curious myself. I was about to say something before I seen Kou reaching out and towards the door.

Standing in the doorframe is Nishiki, holding a bouquet of roses. In the bouquet of roses, there is multiple colors shining. Either bright colors or light powdery colors. Different shades of red, blue, purple, orange, and yellow. In the very center is a few white roses. Nishiki himself is dressed in a light neutral sweater with a pair of jeans. His haired brush into it's usual stance.

"Wow," my voice barely audible, even to my own ears. You can see the faint flush dancing across his face.

​​​​​"These are for you," he says handing the bouquet to me. A smile starts forming on my lips. I look down at the roses for a moment before glancing up at Nishiki.

"Thank you Nishiki. I love them," I say taking the bouquet of roses, immediately moving forward to hug him.

The warmth from him gives me a sense of home. Only then did he wrap his arms around me, pulling me close. This gives me the feeling of being safe. A soft kiss reached my head. I slowly move my head to glance up at the ghoul. Through the glasses, his eyes hold this light to them.

"I love you," Nishiki whispers to me. My face heats up at the comment. I slowly nod my head before leaving a soft yet sweet kiss on his cheek in return.

"Let me go put theses in a vase and I'll be ready," I says smiling. He nods his head, we let go of each other before I head to the kitchen.

I look through the cabinets, soon finding a kaleidoscope looking vase. At the faucet, I run some water in the vase. After that, I slowly place the bouquet in the vase smiling widely.

Arms encircling my waist surprise me. I glance behind me, seeing Nishiki. He smiles slightly, leaving a warming kiss on my lips. Sadly though, he pulls away, much to my dismay. My lips start poking out into a pout. "We need to get there, and soon," he tells me smiling widely.

"But-" I go to debate with the ghoul before he shuts me up with another kiss. This one showing a longing. It's enough to make me dizzy. When he pulls away, I slowly reach out to him. His light chuckle pulls me back.

"Come on. We don't want to be late, do we?" Nishi whispers. I slowly shake my head in response.

"I swear if you don't go ahead and go," a feminie voice comments cause a laugh to escape my lips. I glance over at Kimi.

"Thanks again for watching them until later," I comment. She shakes her head slightly at that.

"Just don't forget to come pick them up cause I'll probably be at my dorm before you two get back," the human comments. I nod my head slightly.

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