Finding Ken

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Nishiki looks at me for a moment. "I'll go see if I can find someone," he says. I smile up at that before nodding my head slightly.

"Be safe," I respond back to him for a moment. He nods his head slightly at that. Nishi leans over pressing a kiss against my cheek.

"I usually am," he whisper which earns a laugh from me in response. His nose brushes against my temple for a moment. My eyes smiles widely before moving and brushing up under his chin. I move before giving him a peck on his cheek.

"I'll see you later?" I ask, even though the disappointment of him leaving my side is clear. He nods his head slightly for a moment before smiling.

"Don't be too disappointed. I'll be back before you know it," Nishiki whispers to me. My head nods at that for a moment, my hand still holding on to his. Nishiki smiles slightly before moving his hand to brush through my hair some before leaving.

A sigh escapes my lips before I feel someone climbing into my lap. My eyes gaze down seeing brown hair, knowing exactly who it is. Slowly, my hand moves through the soft hair. The hair the resembles his father.

"Are you okay Mom?" Kazumi's voice is light and quiet. I look down at him for a moment, confusion rising in me.

"Why would I not be okay?" I ask, trying to understanding what's going through my youngest son's mind at the moment. Kazumi just shakes his head slightly at that.

"It's just you got really hurt before," Kazumi comments, keeping his head down. My eyes widen. He knew about what happened before.... "I was just so scared...and...." Kazumi says, small sniffles being heard. Slowly I take my hands on either side of his face. I brush away the little tears streaking down his face.

"I'm okay Kazumi," I say. He shakes his head slightly at that for a moment. I nod my head in response. "Look," I whisper. Carefully, I lift my shirt up some, showing him where the wound would've been. It's weird, every since I've seen that golden glow. It's like I've felt much better and it even healed over the wound.

My hand slowly moves to brush through his hair. He wipes away the remaining tears before leaning forward and hugging me close.

A small smile pulls up at my lips. I let Kazumi stay there, just letting my hands brush through his hair. Suddenly, my phone dings. Carefully, I move to grab my phone seeing an emergency text from Touka.

I look down at Kazumi. "Hey, I've got to go to a meeting, will you be okay for a little bit?" I ask him. He nods his, a smile reflecting in his features.

"Yeah Mom!" He says, the joy back in his voice. I smile slightly before nuzzling against the top of his head, earning a laugh.


"A ring you say," Marude comments. The curiosity flowing through all of us meeting up. Well that only includes the ghoul investigator, Kimi, Touka, Hide, Tsukiyama, my mate and I.

"Yes. He'll be wearing a ring exactly like the one I'm holding," Touka says holding out her hand. A ring on a leather cord in the middle of her palm.

"So with metal detectors--" I comment, already seeing how much we can cut the search time in half.

"Good plan. As long as we get enough metal detectors, we can focus on searching for the ring," the investigator comments.

"Which'll mean finding Kaneki himself," Tsukiyama says what is already on everyone's mind.

"Still, that kakuja's beyond massive, and it's spread throughout the city," Kimi adds.

"Which means we won't have nearly enough detectors to cover that much ground," Marude concludes. My nose scrunches up at that.

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