Second Chances

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❗️❗️⚠️⚠️🔞🔞 smut warning 🔞🔞⚠️⚠️❗️❗️

If you are uncomfortable with this chapter and/or are underage, please be a dear and skip to the next chapter.

Also, I'm still a rookie when it comes to writing smut.


When Nishiki leaves, I make sure that we have everything ready. Condoms, the morning pill, and so forth. It's all on our night stand in the bedroom.

My hands careful curls up, balling at the edge of the sink. Calm down. I have to calm down. My eyes close for a moment, inhaling deeply and exhaling the same way. Slowly, the door opens. I glance at the doorframe, Nishiki standing there. "You okay?" Nishiki comments, his eyes remaining on me.

Instead of looking into the mirror, my whole body turns, smiling at the ghoul. A small smile pulls at the corner of my lips. "I'm okay Nishi," I say before slowly going over towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist. My head pressing, listening to his steady heartbeat.

"Did you get someone to watch them?" My voice being muffled from burying my face into his chest. A warm hand makes it way to rest at the back of my head. His hand slowly brushes through the mess of black.

"Yeah. I wasn't going to let Hinami watch them, but she's very persistent," Nishiki remarks, the slightly smile lacing in his voice. "She said something about getting to meet Kazumi and try to rekindle with the twins and Kou."

A small smile pulls up more. My head leans back, looking up at the ghoul. Slowly, I lean up. My lips brushing against Nishiki's. Not long after, Nishi returns the kiss. Slow and sweet, everything that I've been deprived of for years and not even realized it. I'm the first to pull away. My eyes glance up, watching him.

"Hey Nishi," I whisper, my gaze falling to my feet. My hands slowly balling up on my shorts, wrinkling them. Immediately his hands snatch my hands away, moving to straighten them out flat. I glance up at the ghoul in front of me, watching him. He nods his head slightly smiling, careful pressing his head against mine, showing all his attention is focusing on me.

"Can I mark you first?" The words come out quieter than what I meant for them to be. Nishiki nods his head slightly at that, his nose brushing against my temple for a moment. A small laugh escapes pass my lips, my eyes scanning up to him.

"Of course you can," my mate whispers back. His nose slowly brushes against mine, causing my eyes to close. I brush my own nose against him at the same time. Something about being able to just relax in his presence, it's enough.

"Are you purring?" His voice pulls me back, catching me off guard. My head quickly pulls away, looking up at the ghoul, my eyes widening. I don't even know how I manage to do that. Nishiki's hands slowly cup my face. "Come on," he says before taking my hands and slowly pulling me back towards our shared bedroom.

He slowly moves to sit down on the bed, slowly pulling me towards him. My knees on either side of his lap. My hands slowly starts at the hem of his shirt, radiating up his warm chest. Goosebumps start slowly forming under my hands. My eyes slowly glance up upon hearing Nishi shivering. I smile at him for a moment, slowly pulling his shirt over his head.

I smile slightly before brushing my nose against his. Nishiki responds with the same thing. Our noses continue to brush back and forth....until something catches me off guard.

Something warm wanders under my shirt. As a reaction, my hands immediately grab Nishiki's wrist, stopping him from moving too much more. The embarrassment rising, only just now realizing why. Soft strokes of his thumb across my lower stomach puts me on edge.

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