Saving Me

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I stay in the hospital for a few days. Honestly, I was getting more and more worried for the kids. Akimitsu is becoming more talkative. I don't know whether to be happy or concern for him. Masaru is listening more and just watching me. It's like the twins have switch personalities.

Meanwhile, Kou is just laying close to my chest, just like Kazumi. Except Kou is just more quiet. Though his eyes and expressions race with more emotion that I've ever seen. I actually think it's more emotions than what I seen Kazumi go through in the last four years of his life. On the other hand, Kazumi is just laying across from Kou, though he seems to sadden more as the days pass.

All four of the kids are fast asleep. Both Kou and Kazumi on one side. Kou was holding his little brother close. Reminds me some of myself, especially with Kazumi when he was younger. On the other side. Akimitsu and Masaru were laying face to face.

My hands slowly move to brush through each of their hairs. Neither of them dare stir from sleep. I glance over at the empty chairs. A light sigh escapes my lips. Someone should be there. They shouldn't be empty. I think to myself.

Yeah, but there's no one. No brother. No friends. No boyfriend...or as I like to say...mate. The voice comments. My eyes widen at that. The term mate still hitting like a sledgehammer to the gut.

I look down towards the kids, wondering what they would do if they knew exactly what was going on. May be I should tell them? No! You can't! They've already been through so much. This will only make things worse. My thoughts continue to go back and forth, contradicting itself in the same aspect.

I watch the sun coming up through the closed blinds. I do dearly miss the warmth that the sun would give off. I rather have that compared towards my freezing cold nature.

Light footsteps and a clicking noise snatches my attention. My head glances over looking at the door, seeing Natsu walking in. The alpha must not have caught that I was already awake until he takes a seat. "What are you doing up here so early?" I ask keeping my voice low. I watch the slight jump in his body.

"I-I didn't see you there," Natsu comments. I nod my head slightly at that.

"It's alright," I reply, a small smile forming onto my face. He shakes his head slightly at that for a moment. A little frown forms at the tips of his lips. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask. Natsu shakes his head slightly. A sigh escapes pass my lips. "If you don't tell me, I can't help you," I comment.

"Fine," the alpha says. The raven haired male lets out a sigh before making eye contact with me. "I over heard the doctors and nurses talking," he says pausing. He was biting harshly on his bottom lip. Something he does when there's a problem that's bothering him. "You don't have even twenty-four hours left," he manages to choke out.

I could see his eyes trying to turn puffy and red. "Hey, don't worry about me," I comment. I've already made up my mind, and nothing's gonna change that. He shakes his head slightly.

"I can't do that, Yoshi," the alpha says. I sigh slightly watching him.

"Natsu," I slowly start to say, not wanting to upset the werewolf further. "I have my reasons," I comment looking at him. Confusion starts to being expressed on his face. "I flat out refuse to have the surgery," I tell him.


"But nothing," I say, standing my ground. "The affect of getting the surgery is no longer loving the person that caused my Hanahaki. I won't allow that to happen," I say, letting the stern and serious expression take over my senses.

"Yoshi," he starts to say. I shake my head no.

"I'm not finished," I interrupt him. His eyes widen looking at me. "Telling the one that caused this," I pause shaking my head, "I can't tell him. I won't tell him. The way he still seems so bother by something that I will never understand. As a person and a parent, I can't ask him to digest that and return the feelings, especially when he's hung up on someone else. Someone that he loves so much that he's still waiting for them," I comment. My breathing was already quick and shallow.

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