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When I finally regain conscious, I was laying in an uncomfortable bed, bright florescent lights, and something having a burning pain in my arms. My eyes slowly adjust to the difference in the lighting of the room.

"He's awake!" A voice yells. I wince at the loudness. "Oops, sorry," the same voice says, this time in a more quieter tone. My eyes glance over, seeing that it's Rinkaku.

"Wh-what happened?" My voice asks, even though it's sore and hoarse. The mixed creature glances at me. He shakes his head slightly.

"Rest your voice some," he says before sighing slightly. "I went to check up on you about three thirty, and you were laying on the floor, shaking. When I reached out to touch you, you were sweat yet freezing. So I sent a quick text to Natsu, hoping he was up. Just a few seconds later, he-"

"What are you filling his head with now?" Moriko's voice reaches my ear. I slowly turn my head, looking over at the door, smiling. I'm glad to have seen the blue haired-female. Just behind her is Nori.

"Oh, just telling him what's happened before he was knocked out cold," Rinkaku comments. Moriko and Nori nod as they take seat across from Rin. Moriko nods her head.

"Actually, I'm really rather curious as to what happened to," she says. "When I woke up, the rescue squad was already there and Nori was watching the kids while you and Natsu were talking to the responders," the blue-haired female adds.

"Well, I was just starting to tell him about when Natsu came into," he replies. I slowly move to try and sit up, wincing at the pain. Nori and Moriko move rather fast and help me sit up.

Something lodges in my throat before I lean to cough into my arm. I look and see blood sticking towards my skin. My breathing being a little shaky as I lean my head back onto a pillow. "I'm fine," I manage to mutter out.

"Bullshit!" Moriko snaps. My eyes widen glancing over at the female. "You've said you're fine for weeks, but then we find out that you've been sick for weeks...well that's what the doctor/nurse tells us," she says. Her golden eyes burning daggers to me.

I sigh as I look down at me hands. "I didn't want anyone to worry," I mutter out.

"Worry!" Rinkaku exclaims looking over at me. I glance towards the male. "Natsu literally was pulling full flowers from your throat! Even after you told me that it wasn't that bad! I should have listened to my gut," he mutters the last part, but I hear it.

"It's my fault," I say, finding my hands more interesting. "I just..." my thoughts pause. "When people worry for others, it takes it's toll on everyone. I didn't want that for any of you," I comment. "I just want you to go on about your lives, especially when I know that some of them have others that depend on them," the words mutter together.

A sigh comes from my left. I glance over seeing Moriko shaking her head. "You still haven't understand, have you?" Nori asks. I tilt my head slightly, watching them. "We're always gonna worry about the people we care about. That's just life," Nori adds.

I slowly nod my head slightly, my hands balling up the hospital blanket that was laying across me. "I just...." I try and reason with myself. My eyes snap shut as something hot runs down my face.

"We know," Moriko says before I feel hands holding on top of mine. My eyes open up, looking over at the three of them. "Rinkaku managed to inform of us of everything that happened."

I slowly nod my head slightly. I then glance over, my eyes meeting with yellow-green eyes. "How, did you manage to get air into my throat?" I ask, keeping my voice low, trying to let my voice rest some, knowing that I usually keep a regular normal voice.

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