Nishiki's Memories

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I check in the mirror in the bathroom that I share with Nishiki now. I see my neck is still bare, causing a frown to form. Honestly, I kind of miss the bite mark on my neck...the one that Nishiki put there.

"What's wrong?" A voice causing me to up. I relax when I realize that it's only Nishiki. I slowly shake my head at that.

"Nothing," I comment looking down at the ground. Arms slowly engulf me.

"It's only the two of us. You can tell me," Nishiki's breath fans against my neck.

Instinctively, my hand moves to hide the bare spot over my neck. This guilt, the hollow feeling in my chest won't let up. He slowly moves my hand away from my neck. "Is this what's bothering you?"

Slowly, I nod my head in confirmation. "Don't be," he says. A small genuine smile forming upon his lips.

"We can do that when you're ready," he adds. His hand slowly moving to caress my cheek. My face leans forward, leaning into his warm and soft hand.

"C'mon," Nishi says as he slowly pulls me with him. We head back into the bedroom. It's quiet, and this unnerving feeling roses in my chest. He seems like he's lost in his own head before he starts talking.

"There's just a lot more that you don't know about," Nishiki quietly comments as we sit beside each other on our shared bed in our room. I tilt my head to the side.

My mate gently grabs my hand before placing them on either side of his face. Confusion rises even more inside me. "Nishi," I whisper, the uncertainty lacing in my voice. He shakes his head slightly.

"Go through my memories," he says. My hands yank out of his grasp, pulling back towards my body. "I've seen you do it. That's how you were able to figure out what happened with the twins," Nishiki adds. I shake my head slightly. What if I am hurt him? I question myself.

You won't hurt him. He knows what he's doing, and so do you. The feminine voice responds in my head. Slowly with hesitation, I place my hands back on the sides of his face. I slowly shake my head.

"I don't know how," I admit in a whisper. Nishiki has a soft smile forming before gently placing his hands over mine.

"That's okay," he comments. My mate manages to tell me some steps to help ease me into it. An example is calming down enough to for me to concentrate. When I do manage to listen and find myself in this hazy daze like state, that's when my mind starts to wander.

Immediately, I close my eyes. Everything slowly fades away. All the emotions, the thoughts. It just leaves me with this calm feeling. A feeling that I've only felt a few times, or at least that I can remember.

When I open my eyes, I look around the room. I'm back at our apartment. No kids are in sight. Though, there is Mr. Yoshimura, Touka, Yomo, Enji.....and her. I elicit a growl from my chest, watching her. It's her fault I'm even in this mess to begin with.

"The scar has some magic properties that need to be removed. Most of the time it means we have to burn it out. THat's why we have the silver chain. But, I ask for herbs cause it's suppose to help with the healing process and help make the silver bearable," the raven haired witch comments.

"And you need people to hold me down for that?" My voice questions. The venom lacing the tone. My eyes narrowing over at her. The witch nods her head towards me. Just behind me is Nishiki standing. His hand slowly and carefully wrap around my waist. I watch my head snap to look at the ghoul.

"Please," I manage to catch Nishiki beg me....well the me in this memory. You can see the tension leaving my shoulders, but the pheromones still thick and heavy in the room.

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